[Chapter Two]

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Taehyung woke up to an annoying ringing. He groaned. Wich motherfucker decided to call him now? He decided to ignore it and the call soon ended. Silence... The ringing started again and this time someone shook his shoulder.
"V? Someone is calling you."
He groaned. This boy...
"V!", he whined.
Taehyung opened his eyes.

"Fine! Stop whining!"
Jungkook buried his face into the pillows pouting. Taehyung grabbed his phone from the nightstand and answered.
"V...how polite of you."
Taehyung immediately shot up, Jungkook looking at him confused.
"I'm sorry sir."
"Whatever, did you do your job?"

Taehyung gulped.
"He wasn't there sir."
He prayed that he would believe him. He heard him sigh.
"Are you an amateur V?! I expected better from you!"
Taehyung flinched.
"I'm sorry sir, but I did my best to find him-"
"Clearly you did not since he's still alive."

"What am I going do with you V?"
He could her the dangerous tint in his voice.
"I'm sorry-"
"You didn't answer my question."
Taehyung stayed silent.
"You never failed me so I'm going to give you a week to find him. I trust you V."
"Thank you sir."
"You know I don't like to keep my clients waiting."

"I know sir."
"So back to the important stuff. I need you for a meeting this afternoon. I will send you the address."
"I'll make sure to not disappoint you."
"I hope so. You know what happens if not."
Then he ended the call.
Taehyung threw himself back to bed sighing. He was thinking about what to do while biting his lip, a habit of his.

"V? What's wrong?"
"I'm in a big mess, right now."
Taehyung ruffled his hair.
"If the little boy wasn't there, I could have just killed you and got my money!"
Jungkook flinched and backed away from Taehyung.
"K-kill me?"
"Are you gonna cry again, huh?!"
Tears gathered in Jungkook's eyes.

The small boy was slowly waking up from the yelling.
"If it wasn't for this stupid boy!"
Taehyung rushed over to the boy and Jungkook jumped from the bed shielding him with his body.
"T-then do it..."
Taehyung looked at Jungkook confusion written over his face.
"K-kill me, but don't hurt him!"

Taehyung slowly backed away from them. He has never seen someone like him. Putting someone's life over his...
Like Park did.
The thought of him made Taehyung anger rise even more.
"Playing now the hero?! Let's see how brave you will be now!"
He grabbed his gun and held it against Jungkook's head.

Jungkook gulped and looked at Taehyung's raging eyes.
"S-sannie...listen to hyung. Turn around and cover your e-ears..."
"W-what? No!"
"J-just do it. Hyung is going to be fine."
The small boy did as he was told, Taehyung staring at him intensely.
"P-please don't let him see..."
Tears streamed down Jungkook's face as he closed his eyes, ready for the pain.

This sentence...

Taehyung slowly lowered the gun. Jungkook's legs got weak as he fell to the floor, relived that nothing happened. The small boy turned around and jumped into Jungkook's arms. They both were sobbing, arms wrapped around each other. Taehyung scoffed.
"Don't leave the apartment."
With that, he left the apartment with his mask and hat. It was time for his job.


Taehyung arrived at the address his boss has given him. He arrived at a big apartment building, looking around.
"V you're here."
Taehyung turned around to see the middle aged man standing in front of him. Taehyung bowed at him, not talking.
"I have an important meeting now. You're here for my protection and in case someone is against my decision... you know what to do."

Taehyung nodded.
"Yes sir."
They entered the meeting hall, there were several men in suits already sitting on their places. They all stared at them and Taehyung quickly sat down on a chair in the corner of the room. He didn't really like attention on him.
"Good afternoon."
And with that the meeting started.

~Time skip~
"So what do you think about this idea?"
The other business men nodded in agreement.
Except for one.
"That is an absurd idea. Totally bad."
The boss smirked.
"Are you sure."
"Yes, I won't sign the contract."
Taehyung chuckled. He probably was new to this. What a shame.

The boss signaled him to come over. Taehyung quickly took his rope. A easy and none messy way to kill someone.
The man looked at Taehyung, fear in his eyes. He was about to stand up, but Taehyung grabbed him by his shoulders and forcefully sat him down. He quickly put the rope over his neck and held it.

The man didn't stop struggling, so Taehyung tugged on time on the strings as a warning.
"So not agreeing with me Park Ban-ryu?"
The man gulped.
"N-no! I promise...I will sign the contract!"
The boss grinned.
"Well, it's too late for that."

"Kill him."

Taehyung immediately pulled on the strings, cutting of the air. The man grabbed the rope and tried pulling it from his neck, gasping for air, but it was no use. Taehyung had an iron grip on the rope. The man kicked with his feet gasping as the blood vessels in his head began to bulge. His shaking hands got a death grip on the rope trying to free himself, his face color got darker.

Then his head fell back and Taehyung could see his glassy eyes.
"Sleep tight.",he whispered.
Then the man's body got limp and he shook a few times, Taehyung still griping the rope tightly. When Taehyung was sure that he was dead he let go of the rope. The rope left a dark print on the man's neck. Taehyung wiped his slightly sweaty hands on his pants. His boss was smiling at him satisfied.

"Good job V. You can go now."
Taehyung bowed and left the building. He had to get back as soon as quickly. He couldn't leave the boys alone. They were probably still crying on the floor. Taehyung rolled his eyes. So weak and pathetic. He opened the door of his apartment. The smell of food filled the room. Taehyung quickly went to the kitchen to see Jungkook and Jeongsan cooking some kind of food.

"What are you doing?!"
Jungkook jumped from the sudden noise.
"O-oh...V you're back."
"You ignored my question!"
Jungkook flinched.
"Geez...you don't have to be so aggressive all the time."
Jungkook mumbled.
"I'm not aggressive! You're just way to sensitive! Now why are you cooking here?!"

"Jeongsan got hungry."
"Do I look like I care?! You aren't allowed to touch something when I'm away!"
That was the last straw for Jungkook. When it comes to the topic Jeongsan... Why would he let him starve?
"Listen here V! You're not going to treat Jeongsan like that! Do with me whatever you want, but let him out of it! He's my baby and I'm not going to let a emotionless monster hurt him! Understood?!"

Jungkook's chest was raising and falling at a rapid speed and his eyes were full of hatred towards Taehyung.
"K-kookie hyung...don't yell! That's really bad!"
The little boy was pouting. Jungkook immediately turned around and smiled warmly at the younger. It's like he was a different person now.
"I'm sorry Sannie. I won't do it again. You forgive me?"

The boy hastily nodded.
"Of course!"
Jungkook looked at Taehyung to see him smirking.
"What is it now?"
"Not bad sweetie. Not bad."
With that he left the kitchen.
"Tell me when dinner is ready! We have to talk!"
Jungkook huffed. Now he's his maid or what?

Kookie has fire in him and Taehyung likes it.

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