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sunlight hit wooyoung's face from an angle he wasn't particularly used to. the boy squirmed under the covers, turing his back to the bright window. after inhaling the all to familiar scent of the sheets, memories of the night prior came back to him. in a flash, wooyoung was sitting up, carmel eyes scanning over the room.

at first he didn't quite remember where he was. but then it dawned on him- after having dinner with san, he must've fallen asleep. although he didn't remember falling asleep in san's room. his lips curled into a little smile at the thought of san carrying him to bed.

the grey haired boy looked over at the clock besides the bed and decided he had overstayed his welcome. suddenly he remembered that it was a thursday. panic began to flood his chest as he sprang out of bed in search for his phone. with no luck, wooyoung decided to head downstairs.

the boy silently prayed to any god listening that his phone was still on the kitchen counter. as he began walking down the stairs, he overheard san talking on his phone  in the living room. not wanting to disrupt anything, wooyoung began walking more cautiously.

when he reached the bottom of the stairs, the blond was able to hear san a bit clearer. "maybe he's calling our absentces into school?" a soft smile reappeared on wooyoung's lips. he  was suprisingly grateful that the red and black haired boy had popped into his life a few days ago. it felt nice being this close with someone so quickly.

"i told you yunho-"

wooyoung's smile faded. yunho, was san's friend from school- another infamous player. and one again, a boy seonghwa had warned him about. the thought of the blond male made wooyoung's stomach turn. he felt tears begining to prick the backs of his eyes. but he closed them shut before any tears could actually escape. he told himself he was better than that, for now.

"no- it's not like that."

the boy opened his eyes once again after hearing san's voice. he peeked around the corner of the hallway at the red and black haired boy, who was currently both occupied with the stove and his phone.

"you know him, and you know me. our social statuses are the complete opposite of one another." san paused for a moment, giggling at something. "yeah, i'm just getting my use out of him. he's opening up to me faster than i expected. 

wooyoung didn't need to hear anymore. it was quite obvious san was talking about him. in that moment, the small boy was overcome with an overwhelming amount of dread and deep sadness - something he hadn't felt in a long time.

he needed to leave.



seonghwa tapped his leg anxiously as he looked at the empty seat at their lunch table. wooyoung had failed to show up at school, and he knew exactly why... the boy was with san. the blond's stomach turned with guilt. now that wooyoung knew he had told san, there was a possibility that their friendship would never recover. and he hated that. seonghwa genuinely loved and cared for the boy, he just let the alcohol get the best of him that night.

mingi knew something was up from the moment wooyoung didn't show up at their bus stop this morning. and yeosang could tell from the obvious look of dread radiating from seonghwa's face. they both knew something was wrong, they just didn't know what.

an uncomfortable silence hung around their table, as no one made an attempt at starting a conversation. that was until mingi spoke up.

"where's wooyoung, hwa?"

the blond's eyes shot from his untouched food to the younger blue haired boy. "i don't know."

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