(1.0) Edward Richtofen X Corrupted! Reader

Start from the beginning

"I'll be back guys," The girl said to the men as she lifted herself up from the ground, "I'm gonna go and get some root beer and some Juggernog."

"Can you bring me some too while you're at it, babe?" Dempsey asked as he gulped down every last drop of his soda. She cringed at the nickname he had given her.

"Sure thing. Richtofen, Takeo, you guys want anything?"

Takeo shook his head and continued to polish his sword. Richtofen didn't even hear what the female had just asked, too focused on reading his notes.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the doctor and began making her way to the Double Tap Root Beer machine, near the power switch.


The fire in the furnace was slowly dying; Dempsey, Takeo, and Richtofen began to shiver, as the familiar warmth hugging them slowly disappeared. The American stood up and trudged over to shovel some more coal into the furnace. It had been a while since (Y/N) had left to fetch some Perk-a-Colas for the men. Dempsey grew worried, the woman would never be gone for long when getting supplies.

"(Y/N)'s been acting kinda weird, lately." Dempsey breaks the silence hanging in the air. Richtofen growled as he shut his journal, distracted by the marine.

"Vhy do jou zhink zhat, American?" The German snapped as he stood up from his seat.

"She laughs hysterically when she kills those maggot-sacks, and she splits from the group when the hordes are surrounding us. She's acting like you, and that's fucking creepy."

"Zhat doesn't mean anyzhing!"

Dempsey walked over to the Nazi and gripped his jacket collar.

"Listen, you Kraut," Dempsey spoke lowly through gritted teeth, "Something's wrong with her. You're the doctor in this shithole. Find her and figure out what the fuck is happening to her."

The marine released his grip on the German, shoving him away.

"Find her."

Richtofen began his journey around the facility, searching for the (S/T), (H/C)-haired female.


(Y/N) was at the Double Tap machine, sitting in before it with her face in her hands. Tears were streaming down her face; the voices were becoming too much for her to bear.

'They don't care about you. You saw how they didn't pay attention to you?' The voices continued on with their torment. 'Kill them!'

"Shut up!" The girl sobbed, clawing her scalp.

'You will do what we say, whether you like it or not!'

'You will get the Vril device and the Focusing Stone and reach the MPD before that German does!'

"STOP IT!" (Y/N) screamed, loud enough for Richtofen to hear from the teleporter mainframe on the other end of the facility. The Nazi ran towards the (H/C)-haired girl's cry, eventually finding her sitting before the perk machine.

(Y/N) shrieked in emotional agony, no longer able to keep her frustrations bottled within herself. Edward jolted, not expecting her to yell this loud. He felt a strange pain in his chest as the young woman cried rivers onto her face. He just stood there, trying to decipher why he felt this way.

His heart's cold, icy layer began to melt. The pain he felt in his torso was empathy, a sentiment he hasn't experienced since he was a young lad. He hated seeing his comrade in pain. He proceeded towards (Y/N) and settled himself next to her.

'Comfort her, she needs you.' His calm, inner self said to him.

'Focus on your mission, Edward! Get the Vril device and the Focusing Stone, destroy Samantha, and the power will be all yours.' A corruptive voice suggested otherwise.

'Forget about her!' Said another.

'She's dangerous!'

Edward had had enough of the corruption happening in his mind and decided to shut the voices up for once. He hugged the female, startling her.

"Richtofen, what are you doing?" She asked as a sob was escaping her throat. The doctor loosened his hold and gazed into her tear-filled (E/C) orbs.

"I know zhat jou are having trouble vith somezhing, und I vant to help."

"I don't know if I should tell you." (Y/N) let out a shaky breath. "You'll think that I'm crazy."

Edward chuckled.

"Liebe, I'm zhe definition of 'crazy'. Tell me vhat is bozhering you. I von't tell anyvone und jou know zhat. I am a doctor, after all."

Another sigh escaped (Y/N)'s mouth.

"I-I hear voices in my head. It started when we got here a few hours ago. I thought that they were just a side effect from the teleporter, but I guess I'm wrong."

"I see." Richtofen tilted his head to one side, "Tell me, vhat are zhey saying?"

"They... they tell me to get something called a Vril device and a rock to get to a place. I don't remember the name, but I know it starts with an 'M'."

"Zhe MPD?"

"But... how? How do you know that?" The girl questioned the German, wide-eyed.

"I, too, hear zhose voices in mein head, telling me zhe same zhings zhey are telling jou." Edward replied before an uncomfortable silence took over the pair.

"They want me to kill you. To kill all of you." (Y/N) sighed, salt-droplets still rolling down her cheeks. "I can't do that. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I did. You guys are the only family I have left."

Everything was silent, except for the sound of the power generator and the Perk-a-Cola machine's motor. Richtofen sighed.

"Zhey vant me to go to zhe MPD to gain zhe power... to take control of zhe zombies."

"I figured. They want me to get there before you do." She wiped her tear-stained cheeks.

"Und... I have ein confession to make."

Another deep breath escaped the Nazi's lips as (Y/N) brought her glance up to the German's sapphire eyes.

"One reason vhy I don't vant to gain control is because, ich... ich liebe dich."

"Richtofen, English, please?"

(Y/N) suddenly finds herself in a passionate lip lock with Edward, the voices in her mind abruptly interrupted. A bloody, gloved hand made its way to her face, gently holding her head in place as his thumb caressed her cheekbone. His lips tasted sweet, like Juggernog soda. Though she was startled, she enjoyed it; she wanted this moment to last for eternity.

Edward slowly pulled away as a pink hue formed onto his face. His hand stroked a strand of (H/C) hair out of the woman's eyes.

"I-I love jou, und if I take control, I von't be able to see zhat beautiful face of jours again." He said as he leaned his forehead onto hers, staring into her pink, teary (E/C) orbs. "So, I vas vondering if jou vanted to control zhem all vith me, to take over zhe vorld togezher."

"What about those voices?" She questioned worriedly. Edward smiled, but it wasn't his usual, creepy, sadistic smile. It was a warm, gentle one; one filled with love.

"Zhey vill stop once ve are in zhe Aether."

The female smiled as she wrapped her arms around the German's neck, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Sure. The road will be long and dark, but I'll be with you every step of the way. And, uh... I love you too, Eddie."

He chuckled demonically as (Y/N) giggled at his facial expression. "I can't vait to us to get zhat brat out of zhe MPD und control zhem all."

"Me either, love. Me either."

A/N: I'm so sorry if this is a shitty story. I've been going through a lot of things recently, and it's taking a big toll on my writing. The next story will be better, I promise.

1757 words.

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