Born in April

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Hi! So I wrote this in a day and a half and it might feel rushed but I had this idea and couldn't resist writing it down. This ended up longer than I originally planned, but honestly it could probably be an even longer story. Anyway I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for any mistakes!


"Please, one more story Daddy." Sawol pleaded sweetly, a pout forming on her lips that she inherited from her father.

Baekhyun smiled at her affectionally, reaching out to gently brush her loose hair behind her ear. He was a total pushover when it came to his daughter. He tried not to spoil her too much, but it was difficult for him to resist giving her everything that she wanted. That was obvious by the amount of stuffed animals surrounding her on her bed and the other toys decorating her room.

"It's already past your bedtime Princess." He answered as he shut the book resting on his lap.

"Just one more." She whimpered, reaching out with her tiny hand to grab onto her father's shirt and prevent him from leaving, "I want to hear one about Daddy."

"About me?" Baekhyun replied with a small laugh, "How come?"

"Not you." She corrected Baekhyun as she shook her head adorably back and forth, her little pigtails wiggling from the movement, "About my other Daddy."

"...Oh." Baekhyun gulped, his hands nervously gripping onto the book in his lap. He didn't talk about Sehun much. It was a touchy subject. Sawol was still so young, it was difficult to explain it to her in a way she could understand, "He's away studying, remember?"

"I know." She answered quietly, looking over at a photo of her other father she had in a pink frame on her nightstand, next to her lamp and some adorable trinkets, "But why can't I see him?"

Baekhyun's eyelids lowered, and he let out a soft sigh. Sawol had been getting more and more curious about Sehun lately, it was only natural. He had avoided explaining anything to her in detail before, but it seemed like it was finally time to tell her the truth.

"Well...I didn't tell Sehun about you yet. I was keeping it a secret."

"A secret?" She asked with a tiny crack of her voice, "Daddy doesn't know about me?"

Baekhyun shook his head gently, "...No...Like I said, he's busy studying...I want him to concentrate on that...It's important for him right now."

"But I'm important too." She pouted with a disgruntled expression as she crossed her arms, "I want to see Daddy!"

"You will, when he's ready." Baekhyun comforted her, reaching out to rub her arm, "Just think, won't it be fun to surprise him?"

Baekhyun watched as his daughter's eyes lit up, and a large smile appeared on her face. She began giggling, imagining the situation. For an innocent child, the idea of revealing a secret was always an exiting thought. She failed to comprehend the weight behind her little secret.

But for Baekhyun, the idea of springing the news on Sehun one day out of the blue wasn't exactly thrilling. That is, if he ever found Sehun again. It was true that he was busy studying, at least Baekhyun assumed he still was. At the time when they met, Sehun was one of Baekhyun's students at the university.

After much effort from the younger, Sehun had managed to weasel his way into Baekhyun's life. Just like Baekhyun's inability to resist giving his daughter what she wanted, he had trouble resisting Sehun as well. In a moment of weakness, he relented to Sehun's desires and allowed him to come over to his house for some dinner and alone time together.

Born in AprilWhere stories live. Discover now