Bridge as a Soul

18 4 0

theres a bridge built for crossing,

high off the ground.

we all have our own,

our own, safe and sound.

Some are filled with forests

of beauty and flowers,

others are white and black,

not a single color.

Mine is a little different,

a little different than most-

its a little cooler and darker

than all of those.

It used to be filled with

stars and fire,

and whatever else my heart desired-

but one day, a storm drew near,

brining lightning and thunder

with all my fears.

people soon began crossing over

my bridge,

tore the fences apart and

destroyed the ridges.

i grew weary, tired, fragile and


and I decided it was the time

to leave.

i took axe and raised it above,

dissipated hope and I rid

of love-

took the foundation apart and

the bridge came crumbling down.

It fell at my feet, destroyed

on the ground.

so no one comes in, or

no one comes out,

in or out of my

ruined little town.

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