Red String

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Knocking on the wooden door you waited to be called in. Hearing the faint 'come in' you entered. Saluting you greeted the commander. "At ease (Y/N), I need you to go check on how the recruits training is coming along," Commander Shadis said looking up from his stack of papers. "Do you want a report on all of them or just the new ones you mentioned before sir?" you asked dropping your salute. "Watch all of them, but specifically a report on the three new ones. The training commander is aware that you will be coming," his intense eyes locked with yours. "Understood sir." Dismissing you, you left to gather your belongings and saddle your horse.

"Hey (Y/N) where are you off to?" Erwin asked seeing you saddle your horse. "Commander Shadis asked me to do a report on the new recruits, I'll be back in a few days," you looked at him giving him a small smile. "Of course you'll do well, you always do," the tall blonde looked down on you and pat your head which you swatted away. "Don't miss me too much blondie," you teased getting up on your horse. "What am I supposed to do without you shining personality," Erwin laughed shaking his head. "You'll live... maybe," you smirked at him, "now I suggest you move unless you want to be run down." Laughing he held his hands up and moved away from your horse watching as you took off.


It was early afternoon when you arrived at the training camp, dismounting you were greeted by the commander. "Ah (L/N) you have finally arrived," saluting the man you greeted him. Calling out to a cadet he had them put your horse in one of the stalls. "So sir, who are the news ones I was told about?" Sighing the commanding officer rubbed his neck, "One is hyperactive, the other is willing to work, and the other doesn't tolerate anything or anyone." "Oh... well this will be an interesting few days," you adjusted your green cloak as you walked across the training grounds.


Hearing the sound of a horse entering the camp many recruits stopped what they were doing to see who was coming. Having the horse quickly come out of its gallop pebbles flew out in multiple directions and then walked further into the camp, eyes turned their attention to the green that flowed out behind the rider.

"It's a scout!" multiple voices stated from different areas of the grounds like wild fire. This caught the attention of three people who were sitting under a tree. A pair of steel blue eyes watched with slight distaste at the scout, but that soon changed ever so slightly when he noticed where his string lead. The damn thing he avoided paying attention to was now connected to something he longed for and hated. Watching as you walked into the building with the commanding officer he looked away.

What bothered him, although he didn't let it show, was that you didn't look once at where the string was leading.


"You can start your evaluation and training tomorrow morning." "Understood sir," you saluted and exited his office. Walking to where you were told you would be staying you opened the door and took off your cloak, but left your jacket on. Deciding you still the majority of the afternoon left you grabbed your ODM gear to train yourself.

Walking back out into the courtyard you didn't acknowledge any of the eyes that turned towards you as you walked away with your gear strapped on to the forest. As they say perfect practice makes perfect.

Stopping before the tree line you felt the smallest pull on your left pinky finger and looked down at it flexing it slightly. Following the string you saw three people sitting under a tree they happened to be watching you, giving them a small smile you took off into the trees.


"They seemed nice, right Levi?" Isabel nudged him with her elbow. "We don't know anything about her Isabel, all she did was smile in this direction," Farlan told her. Although to a certain male he noticed the way you looked down at your left hand before slowly looking towards their group. The three turned to observe your ODM skills. "She has a really pretty attack pattern," Isabel commented watching as you twirled and flipped through the air cutting through the foam neck of the dummies. Farlan nodded his head, "I wonder how long she has been a scout, it's almost like she is dancing while using her gear." Levi couldn't take his eyes off your form as you landed on a branch, his eyes just slightly wider than normal as he stayed silent.

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