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Hello everyone! Even though there are rules, how the contest works, and other things about the contest that has been mentioned on the "About" page, questions can still occur. Because of that, I'm pulling together a page of questions that have been asked about the Clever Quill Contest. Some questions have been asked by participants. Others have been made by spectators. A few are some I found myself asking, realizing that I might not have been so clear. All questions will all be anonymous, no worries, as I'm sure many other people have asked a similar question at one point or wondered about it as well.

If you have a question that's not listed on this page, please feel free to message me or comment your question here. No question is a dumb question...unless it's asking for scores, who's going to win what, what needs improved about a story that's been/is going to be entered, or the likes before the results are out. It's not dumb because of curiosity (as curiosity isn't always a bad thing), but it is disrespectful. Anything else is fair game though to ask.

1.) Can I enter the contest before my story is complete?

No. While most contests will let you do this, I am not allowing that to happen. This is not without reason though. Lets say there are 10 spots that are quickly filled up with 3 people who didn't have their stories quite finished. On the cut off date, one of those people didn't complete their story by midnight, that would leave a spot open for someone who had their story ready but was too late. It would be bending the rules to let that person join because a spot filled. Or maybe someone could've had their story finished, but seeing that all 10 spots were filled, didn't try.

Lots of scenarios can happen if I let someone save a spot, and that's not right in my opinion. I'll always make sure that there's at least two weeks from when I open the contest to when it closes for judging. If you finish a story late, or when all spots are filled, there is always next time as I plan on hosting a couple contests a year.

2.) Is swearing allowed?

Of course! Really, no one should be able to log onto Wattpad if they are under the age of thirteen (and if you are, I mean, I can't really say anything). Swearing goes into that PG 13 range; therefore, I find it reasonable to be put into a story.

3.) What's not reasonable to be put into a story?

Besides Smut—which is included in the rules—I'd say the only things that's truly not allowed in a story is Rated-R content. I don't want to be held responsible for corrupting some innocent child's mind, nor do I really care for that sort of stuff. Rated-R could mean a lot of things: explicit pictures, imagery, or writing, and violence that's far too graphic or is repeated throughout the story (like, that's its only purpose of the story is to show violence).

If found that your book should be Rated-R, there will be consequences.

4.) Is there a word count for a story?

No. As long as a story is between 1-4 story parts, you're good. Author's notes, dedications, and anything outside a epilogue, prologue, etc, are excluded. If it pertains to the actual storyline (like a prologue or epilogue) it is included. I know it seems short, but it is possible as I've seen multiple short stories at this length.

5.) Does that mean I can shove a whole novel into 4 parts?

Not exactly. While you have the liberty to create longer story parts, you don't have the liberty on shoving what should be a 20 chapter book into 4 parts. If found that you did that, there will be major points taken off, and chances of doing well will be slim to none.

6.) If my story was entered into a different contest but didn't win, can it be entered?

Yes. Your story can be new or old, have been entered in a contest or this being its first one. As long as it didn't place in a contest, you're fine (reasons why this is can found in the About page).

7.) Is Pokéfic the only genre allowed?

No. While I realize many of the people entering this contest may enter a Pokéfic book, other genres are accepted. Well, as long as it's not R-rated or is in a fandom I'm not familiar with (as I feel like that would hurt the story's potential score rather than help it). If you want to enter a story that is from another fandom, don't hesitate to contact me, so I can give an okay or a not okay.

8.) Am I allowed to invite friends whether or not I'm entering the contest?

Of course! It doesn't matter who you are—judge, participant, spectator, etc—you are more than welcome to invite people to join the contest. A friendly reminder, we need five people to enter the contest in order for Sub Categories to be involved. Plus, this contest isn't really about prizes and getting awards (though, those are a nice added bonus). The purpose of this contest is to help people grow in their writings in a fun way. So, invite your friends to help them grow and become better writers!

And remember, if for some odd reason you're too late in entering, there is always next time. Until that happens though, spread the word!

9.) If I entered a story in a Clever Quill Contest but don't win a "Placed Category Award," can I enter that same book in another Clever Quill Contest?

Unfortunately no. This contest is just to help with your writings. After the results, every participant will be getting a google document with the judges scores and comments to help these writers improve and understand where these scores are coming from. Since they will have something to improve upon with that story, it would be unfair to newer participants to go up against a story that has been given scores and how to improve from it earlier.

Now, if you want to enter a different story into a future Clever Quill Contest after entering in one, you are more than welcome to do that as it's a different story, and what needs to be improved upon/is great at might be different than the previously entered story.

10.) Can I enter more than one story?

No. You can only enter one story. That does not mean you get to enter a one-shot and a short story. It's one of the other. Again, this is so that every participant has a fair chance.

11.) If I've had a one-shot/short-story reviewed or promoted by Junie, could I enter it?

Again, the answer to this question would be a no. There's a couple of reasons for this. One of the prizes is getting a review or promo of that one-shot. In my review book, it's against my rules to have a book reviewed or promoted twice (or even have both services done for one book). Not only that, but if it is a review, you've already been given feedback from me about that story and how it can be improved. Again, this ties in with question 9 where it would be unfair to other contestants if your book has already been reviewed by me.

12.) What if I had a book reviewed by someone else? Could I still enter it?

That depends. If the critic/reviewer doesn't judge for that contest, then you can enter the book. If that person does judge, then you cannot. Again, this goes back into the second part of question 11 where you'll be given feedback on how to improve that story. A review is feedback on how it can be improved, and that could give the contestant an unfair advantage.

So, as long as you know that critic isn't going to judge, then I'd say you can enter that story. 

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