Interview Part One: The Basics

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1. What is your full name?

Végerdr Holy-Field daughter of Arnverdr Eagle-Keeper.

2. Where and when were you born?

I was born in the year 1481 in the city of Difelin, during the Interregnum, when we had no king of our own, but were ruled directly by High-King Turloch of Gruiniath.

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations,personalities, etc.)

My father is Arnverdr Eagle-Keeper, a merchant seaman, adventurer, and priest of Hlér the sea-god of my people. He is often away from home, but he is like the sea: introverted, aloof, unstable, and contrary. He has a cheerful enough disposition and is scrupulously honest, a thrifty collector of coins and tokens, with an active intellect. He is a pious man, and is disappointed that I did not become a priestess, as he expected me to.

My mother was Farunn, a housewife and business-clerk to my father. She was clean, thrifty, and revered the gods. She had an easy-going, soft-hearted, and friendly disposition, but was careless of details. Like my father, she was a thrifty woman, and she had a love of history. She died fifteen years ago [1499] in an accident.

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

I have three living siblings.

My elder brother Hallthér is forty-six years old, a warrior-priest of Tîwaz and a sea-lord now, having earned his title in service to King Jóleifr. He is brave, virtuous, and war-like, a zealot for the cause of law and order, and a collector of knives and daggers. He is an extroverted, overbearing, and unforgiving man, but has a deep sense of humility. He cares little for learning, and has an avaricious personality. He has not married, nor had children.

My elder sister Hringgerethr is thirty-seven years old, immaculate in appearance and somewhat like me in being neurotic about cleanliness. But she is a jealous, lustful, hedonistic woman. She is mean with her money, as scrupulously honest as our father, and has a dreamy intellect. She is arrogant but even-tempered, and has a fascination with exotic animals. She is married to a normal merchant.

My younger sister Hjalmhvít is only twenty-seven years old. She is a selfish, hostile, mean-spirited young woman, greedy and impious, with an interest in husbandry that suits her life as a rural farm-wife well. She is married to a bird-trainer.

My parents had five other children, none of whom survived past childhood, having died of various causes.

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.

I live at #4 Caorthann Lane in the Vôdinaz Village district of Difelin, between Upper Mocholmoc Street and Nornir Lane. My own children are grown and gone from the house now, but I share the place with my man-servant Ingyarr. I also have two other servants, a female Aukrian cook named Gaëlle and a Yoruan maid-servant named Herildr.

The house is a two-story residence, formerly of a family of noble birth. The building has been well-worn by heavy daily use, but is now undergoing extensive repairs by my man-servant. It has a flat roof with small windows. Built of stone, it appears subtly unpleasant, with harsh, angular lines. The windows are securely latched from within and crisscrossed with metal bars.

The front hall, my late husband's offices, my own private office, and the kitchen and servant's room are on the first floor, while the dining room, study, and my private bedroom are on the second floor. My laboratory is in a secured vault in the basement. A hidden door in my private office provides access to the basement from the interior of the house, while a secured storm door and stairs provide access from the rear of the house.

6. What is your occupation?

I am a wealthy middle-class widow and a physician. I volunteer as a nurse and midwife at the Temple of the Goddess Frijaza, as a healer for the gladiator-slaves of the Bull Ring and the poor citizens of the Snarl, and as an assistant coroner and mortician for the city of Difelin.

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

I am a mature-looking woman of thirty-three years, with light blonde hair worn in a long, thin, luxurious braid to the middle of my back, and I have the common blue-grey eyes of a full-blooded Yoruan. I have a rather ruddy complexion, and my seamed skin reflects my years of care and worry.

I stand sixteen hands [5'4"] tall, and weigh nine stone [125lbs].

I dress conservatively in the attire appropriate to my class and station, wearing an ankle-length linen under-dress or shift, with the neck closed by a brooch, over which I wear a hangerock or an apron-skirt, a shorter length woolen dress suspended by shoulder straps fastened by brooches, constructed of two separate panels.

When working as a healer and nurse, I hang an additional fabric panel by loops from the brooches of my hangerock over the suspended dress, along the lines of an apron, and carry needed items (e.g., keys, scissors, needles, a knife, and a whetstone) suspended by cords or chains from my brooches, or from my belts. I frequently carry all of my other necessary surgical tools (knives, saws, scalpels, retractors, and such) in a black leather bag.

I often wear the ankle-length coat-like robes and mantle of a physician and scholar over my suspended dress. I use a tri-lobed brooch to fasten the neck opening of my clothing.

When not working, I frequently string glass or amber beads, or other jewelry between the brooches of my hangerock.

I typically wear calf-high leather boots, with linen socks in summer and woolen socks in winter.

As a widowed woman, I always wears a knotted kerchief as a head covering in public.

I also apply body paint in enough quantity to seem unusual.

8. To which social class do you belong?

I am a very well off member of the middle class. My father was a merchant-adventurer and priest of Hlér the ocean god, and my husband was a wealthy sea-merchant as well.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

I was not born with any physical handicaps or deformities, and I have suffered from no serious diseases in my life. I have no allergies that I know of.

10. Are you right- or left-handed?

I am right-handed.

11. What do you have in your pockets?

Oh, all manner of things: keys, scissors, needles, a knife, and a whetstone, saws, scalpels, retractors, and other surgical tools. I also carry a clear crystal prism, a bit of wychwood, and a small piece of bone.

 I also carry a clear crystal prism, a bit of wychwood, and a small piece of bone

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

12. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

I hum tuneless little ditties in my absent-minded moments. I am particularly adept at research projects. I like to paint my face and body with abstract Yoruan designs. I can cause my hands to glow with a cold blue light strong enough to read by and chill enough to cause frostbite in those I touch.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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