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Jimin pov.

I always thought, living in a beautiful house with maids will make me feel rich, respected by others.. but i cant have all that. Being treated like a prince? No way .

    Jungkook always said, I am always his pretty baby boy. But when it comes to his anger, all those sweet words-

    "You fuck! A slut should know their place! Hey Jimin.. listen here you bitch! You have me! But not my wealth!"

    I remember those words. Keep on playing when I wanted to sleep.. I was scared to wake the anger inside him. I was really scared.

    And, you know what was the funniest thing?

    "What? Jungkook hits you? Ahahahaha.. dont be ridiculous, son... He loves you so damn hard.. so I wont believe that.."

    Even my appa wont believe me.. I do believe now.. some people has two-faced. And now.. i found one.


"GOOD morning, honey.." Jungkook pecked his lips on Jimin's forehead as he walked to the table to get his breakfast. While taking the bread,-

    "Last night, I was too harsh, wasnt I?"

   Jimin just shook his head as he hid the scar on his arm.

    "I didnt mean that.. I was out of control when you refuse to tell me the truth about Sohyun. You know what, I almost got heart-attack knowing you went out with her... I really thought you were bisexual. Ahahahaha.. I'm such a fool, isnt it?" Jeongguk spoke as he took a bite the bread.

    "And, I believe that you'll never cheat on me.. You know what will happen to you, right?"

     Jimin let out a long sigh. His eyes were filled by tears. Tired? Yes.. he felt tired to talk because he already let all his energy to beg Jungkook last night.

     "Im sorry.. mmm, anyway.. here.. you can use this credit card to buy all things you want.. but, please.. treat that wound first. " Jungkook stood up as he wanted to kiss Jimin.

    But Jimin, he avoided Jungkook's lips. "Why?" Jungkook asked, whispering at Jimin's ear.

     Jimin refused to speak.. tired waiting, Jungkook forced Jimin to kiss him.

     "Jungkook!" Jimin yelled as he pushed Jungkook's shoulder.

     Jungkook gave Jimin a smile .

     "Im going.. bye.."


Drinking a hot coffee alone was so satisfying this time . At least, his mind was calm when he was not there with Jungkook.

    Jungkook has sent you a message.

Jungkook :
Where are you?

At coffee shop.

Jungkook ;
I miss you already..

     Jimin shook his head as he disbelieve what Jungkook said.. he was tired to get mad.. too tired to keep anger..

    Once, he pinned all his hopes on Jungkook.. but now, he had shattered all dreams.. having a sweet couple, that will never happen.

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