Part #2

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thru it all... i still love you. even if you dont believe it. i dont honestly care if you dont believe it. its for my personal health, that i come clean with my feelings towards you. no more fighting ( with words ), no more being let down for things that are not in my control, and no more being blamed for things that i had no hands in. its the simpliest thing in the world...

a childs love to the one they have known as their mother...

with nothing attached, no lies and no strings just a pure thing in it self. that which is love.

will i ever know the difference between the abuser and the mother... only time will tell for that to come into play. till then... i would have been hanging in the balance waiting for that day to come... but now... i stand on my own two feet, at the end waiting for you to catch up....

while slowly waiting, i will be living my life as much as i can. with a better outlook on life. with love and peace within my heart and soul. i forgive you for what you have done and put me thru... i dont live in that place of mind anymore. ive grown to be a better version of myself. with a better understanding of life, in general. it might have took me a while to get to this point in my life, on my own with no help from you. but i did it. i hope with all that there is. that you may even get to this place that i am, sometime in your life as well. peace within, love shining thru out. i wish nothing but the best for you, in all things. life is just that... life never take it for granted... it should never be to late to do the right thing for yourself....

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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The abused loving their abuserNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ