39| Forever and Always

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~Roni's POV~

1 week later
October 31st
Dylan's 17th birthday

"Flying girlfriend attack!" I screamed as I ran into Dylan's room and jumped onto him.

"Babe, just five more minutes. I promise." He mumbled. He pulled me closer to him and continued to sleep.

"I'm naked." His eyes immediately shot open, but when he saw that I was in fact fully clothed he started to pout.

"You tricked me. How could you do that to me?"

"Get up, I brought you birthday presents."

"But I told you I didn't want anything for my birthday."

"I know. It only made it that much harder to shop for you. But, with the help of our good friend Wyatt, I feel like I made a few safe purchases." I said, grabbing a gift bag and handing it to him. "Please just open it. For me."

Dylan pouted, but opened the gift anyway. He pulled out a small black box, and when he looked at it he smirked at me.

"You aren't proposing to me are you?"

"Don't be stupid, just open it."

He opened it, and inside were two matching gold rings, that were shaped like two halves of a heart. "I'm confused." He said, and I shook my head and laughed.

"There's two rings, one for me and one for you. And they're engraved, so when you put them together, it completes the sentence."

"What do they say?"

"Always and forever." I said, slipping one of the rings on a chain and putting it around my neck. I grabbed the other ring and put it on Dylan's ring finger.

"Thanks, V. I love it." Dylan said, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I also made you something."

~Dylan's POV~

Roni pulled out a small blue book from the gift bag. It had blue and silver sparkles all over it, and the words "The Adventures of Dylan and Veronica" on it.

"What is this?" I asked her. I opened it and saw pictures and keepsakes from the past few months we've spent together decorating the pages.

"I made you a scrapbook of all the dates we've went on. There's the ticket from when we went to Six Flags, and that cute picture of us when we went to Glendale Puppy Farm. I didn't really know what to get you but then I thought this would be cute and I just wanted you to remember all of the good times we had together."

I continued to flip through the book, seeing more pictures from our previous dates. All the way from when we went to the carnival, to the party at her house, after the championship game, homecoming, and even that one time I got pulled over.

"How did you manage to fill the whole book?" I asked her.

"Let's just say it took a lot of Polaroid film, and a lot of patience." She breathed. It got very quiet, and the two of us were just staring at each other. Ah, good old sexual tension.

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