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The birds were chirping. How could they be chirping? What's so joyous that they could possibly be chirping?  Probley because their mum wasn't dead like mine.

Yes, I still am bitter after my mum has died. No, you cant fix it, and I dont want your sympathy. Lights Down Low  by MAX was playing off my radio softly. I loved that song. It sympathizes me. But my favorite artist was NF.

Now him, losing his mother, due to pills was horrible. I hate that for him. But I relate to him so much. His mum's boyfriend abused him, mine is, his mum died due to suffering, mine did, see, lots in common. He also suffers from anxiety of losing people.

His message is so clear, especially talking about his anxieties like that. Feels like I am listening to what he's preaching to me. I would love to meet him as in we can relate to so much.

Yes, I am always this gloomy. Deal with it. (Sticks my tongue out). I wanna escape this hell hole. So, I devised this perfect plan.

Now in, Bradflara, theres ships, cargo ships , heading out to Barsala. Its schedules say that they literally arrive at any time. Like, no stops until the weathers pretty bad. But other then that, literally in and out there.

Now Barsala, is pretty far away from here. Like, 3,030 miles away from here. After arriving there, I will be free!

I already looked at places to gave hideout and stuff, and I found some sheds there with power, only because we traveled there about 2 years ago for a royal gathering, meeting princes and kings from all over the world.

Pretty boring if you ask me. I dont plan on tonight to run away though. In 4 days, on friday. I plan on getting Nathan on board with me.

He hates his prince life as much as me, if not more, so he HAS to agree to go with me. I will see him tommorrow because were meeting up for for etiquette courses at my study hall.

------3 days later------

So, after much convincing, I convinced Nathan. Yes, he hated his life. He complains how shitty his step-dad is and how he gets drunk like mine and hits him. While his mom is never around. Nathan never met his real father anyways.

Tomorrow, at, 3:15 am, is when the post outside the castle is left for 10 minutes due to the guards shifting and considering its night, I saw this as the perfect opertounsty.

But what if we get caught? Good to know that if we do, we'll just say some really buff guys kidnapped us to sell in Barsala. You know, the obvious.

Yeh, that should work. I mean, the stops and woods are very treacherous and tedious. But we shouldn't have to have that problem.

The worst part of this all of that we will leave the luxury of the castle!! My bed, food, all forgotten and left behind in what is my 'home'. Please.

Nathan said he wants a muscular guy with gentle, yet strong arms. I need the perfect guy after Ansher. He was sweet, but he also was a major douchebag.

Me talking about him will be another time. Not now or in the near future, but later. And if I even see that son of a bitch, I will punch him.

Cheated on me with 2 girls. Turns out he's straight and only was with me because he wanted to use me and to get a run for his money. Told me he loved me, and even had a few intimate moments.

Never fucked tho. He was getting close for me to let him until I read his phone. Dumbass didn't even bother to put a damn password into his phone! Found out the 2 girls were twins and they were from Chesida. Whores. Exactly what they fucking are.

My Problems Are Never Solved(L.S)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon