Chapter Two

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In prince Seth's room.

Seth walked towards the balcony, placing his hands on the rail and sighed deeply before Ali joined him in the balcony.

"I would love to be in your shoes right now." Ali joked sarcastically, Seth shook his head as they both chuckled.

"Be my guest." Seth joked with a soft chuckle.

"Anyways, i just wanted to check up on you before i went on and invite the sisters." Ali said.

"i am fine, thank you." Seth told him.

"I hope you are not lying to me prince Seth, but on another note if you don't mind me for asking. why do you want to invite the sisters?" He asked Seth curiously.

"Well, why wouldn't i invite the daughters of my mother and father old friend, she was great and nice from what I heard. I felt bad for her being friends with my mother and father, they just left her with nothing and pretend that they never met her cause she made a choice of adopting four girls cause they had no one." Seth told him.

"Well, i see that you are quite still mad at them like I expected so I've let someone in to cheer you up while I go invite the sisters." Ali said as he walked towards the door and opened the door letting Dean fall from the door as he was eavesdropping them, Dean quickly stood up acting casual "Ta da." Dean said as he continued to act casual as he nodded at Ali before Ali laughed softly before walking out and Seth looked down and shook his head as he laughed softly as well.

"I saw how handsome you looked up there prince Sethie but then that man came up to me saying that you were quite mad and stood up to your non fun father and I was like that man needed a dean to cheer him right up." Dean said as he approached to Seth and placed his hand on Seth's shoulder and looked at him.

"Is that really what happened?" Seth asked.

"No, i was sneaking my way in and he caught me. But i do see that your father and mother have replaced me for that man as your friend huh." Dean said as Seth shook his head.

"He just works for them, probably had no choice. But no one can replace you, my good old friend." Seth said as he smiled at him placing his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"Too bad that your parents see me as a dirty criminal and a bad influence on you." Dean said as Seth shook his head.

"You will always be the same old clumsy adventurous Dean that I know." Seth told him as Dean looked at him and smiled before looking out the balcony and looked at a couple of horses as he pointed at them. "Remember that one time when I helped you climb up the horse cause you wanted to act like a knight and I pull on it's tail and the horse just ran off knocking everything down and I followed the horse to get you and after I got you, we both hide behind a shelter cause we knew we will get in trouble by our family so we ate some of your grandma's cookies while reading this book about kings and slaying dragons behind a shelter, and that's when you and me both looked at each other and we both said that we will like to be a king one day. Obviously you was going to be one and now look at you, my old friend. You getting what you wanted and I know things didn't went as my way and I'm not In a good place at the moment but I still do love my life just exploring and being friendly with everyone cause I got everything I've always wanted and that was to have a brother and see him grow up, I heard your voice out there but it wasn't your words, i know how you are and I know you will be a great king and do the right choices, I know you will. I am proud of you." Dean said as he patted Seth's shoulder as Seth nodded.

"You live in that shelter, don't you?" Seth asked him.

"Yes, yes I do." Dean said.

"Why don't you come over for the party, it's a open invitation." Seth told him

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