1 ¤ Not All Better

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Kuroo's POV

Things never got easier when Father left. Mom had been in the hospital for a few weeks because when Father had slapped her years ago, she received a concussion after hitting her head hard on the edge of our old coffee table. I got rid of that table. It wasn't going to do us any good, but I needed to start making money someway. That table helped me start.

During the time Mom was in the hospital, I held as many garage sales as I could and went job hunting. Mom wouldn't be back to her norms for a long time and Father didn't leave any money. Tetsuko was too young to get a job; I had to do my best to provide for her. To show her that I was indeed, strong.

All these thoughts were running around in my head as I was walking to school, Kenma beside me playing a game on his DS. "Kuro, get out of your head. I'm sure whatever it is you're thinking about, it isn't an issue any more," Kenma said in his monotone voice. I stayed silent, not wanting to admit that he was right. Some things did get better once Mom got out of the hospital but it wasn't perfect.

We were now closing in on the school, walking lazily, demonstrating our attitude for not wanting to be here. And once I was in class, I did my best to focus and work my hardest. For little sister and Mom.

Last class of the day~

I finished up my notes that sensei said we'd need for our next quiz. After making sure I had good enough notes, I packed up and waited for the bell. I had volleyball practice this afternoon with the rest of the team. We're preparing for another practice match against Karasuno.

With the ringing of the bell my classmates and I made our way to whatever it was that we each had going on in our lives. I met up with Kenma outside the second year's building. He was once again playing on his DS. We walked to the club room and presumedly changed for practice.

After volleyball practice~(I'm being a lazy chicken nugget lol)

Kenma ended up needing to go shopping farther in the district so I bid him an early goodbye and made my way home as fast as possible to prepare for my night shift at my job. I got a text mentioning that somebody wasn't going to be able to make their shift because they got sick. I volunteered to cover the shift because who doesn't want more money?

Walking through the door I announced my arrival, "I'm home!" I walked down our one-story house's hallway and went straight into my room. I don't know if Mom is still home and Tetsuko has her own volleyball practice so she won't be home till later. I change into my work uniform, write a note for Mom and Suko, and then leave for the gas station.

As I'm walking down the street towards work I think and ask myself if I should make a grocery run after work. As long as a convenience store is still open.

I make it to work within ten minutes and go about taking care of my normal responsibilities. I wish things weren't the way they are right now. I wish everything would just be solved by someone else; someone who could help me and care for me. I wish I could catch a break, rest at least for a day and figure out a better plan. If only.

𝐼𝑁 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑁𝐸𝐼𝐺𝐻𝐵𝑂𝑅𝐻𝑂𝑂𝐷 ꨄ︎ 𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐎 𝐓.Where stories live. Discover now