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Cousin: Nana! Nana!!!

Me: What?!

Cousin: Hehehe say p two times!!

Me: *gives him the really face* (A/N I decided to play along, he is only 7) Peepee

Mom: *walks in the kitchen and gives ME the really face*

Cousin: HAHAHAH!! Nana!! You said peepee!!!

Mom: *Smirks* Spell I cup

Me: I C U P, really ma??

Cousin: Hahahaha!! Nana! Your nasty!

Mom: *smirk gets bigger* Bend over and spell run

Me: ..... *thinks of it in confusion* whaa??

Mom: *starts to laugh really hard*

Me: R...U....N ....... OH MY BOB!!! MA!!!! DID YOU JUST TELL ME THAT?!?!

Cousin: *looks at us in confusion*

Mom: *laughs hysterically*


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