Part 2

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*Present Day*

University of Maryland-College Park

September 18th, 2014

9:12 A.M.

My fingers tap repeatedly against the wooden desk. I can't seem to concentrate. Every little sound or movement grabs my attention: a turn of a paper, the pounding of my heart, the clicking sound of the clock when the hands move each minute. The list is endless. There are too many distractions inside of a classroom. And, of course, I am even more prone to these distractions when I am taking my first exam of the year. We have been given the full hour to complete our exam, which consists of fifty or so multiple choice questions and a five hundred word essay. I never expected college to be this hard, but that's why they say expect the unexpected. Even after two years here at the University of Maryland, they still make everything hard. I'm not even done with the first page. At least for the multiple choice, there is some chance that I have to get it correct, but as for the essay portion of the test; I'm screwed, big time. It didn't help that I stayed up till midnight last night watching reruns of Breaking Bad while attempting to study for an upcoming Latin quiz. The Latin quiz just so happens to be my during next period, oh joy!

"Time's up!"

I slam my head on the desk lightly, while mentally groaning. The exam just started five minutes ago or so it feels like. God, I can't keep doing this. I have been focusing on other things outside of school for the past couple of days, so my mind has been drifting off to La-La-Land every now and then. I look over to my right and see my friend, Lisa. She has finished her exam because it is facing downward, the answers hidden from view. Okay, I know this looks bad, but it isn't what it looks like. I am not cheating on a test. Seriously, I'm not. This is how it works. I try and catch Lisa's attention by kicking her foot. She looks up from her phone and once she sees its me she smiles. I point at my test and then the clock, showing that I haven't finished. She nods, knowing the routine by now. Lisa gets up and walks over to our teacher's, Mrs.Sloan's, desk. I can't make out the words that are being exchanged, but I am pretty sure it has something to do with her helping me. Lisa starts to cry and all of a sudden she falls to the ground. Mrs. Sloan gets up, obviously concerned and goes over to Lisa. I begin filling in the answers to the first page, as Mrs. Sloan starts to get up. I look at Lisa with a desperate, pleading look on my face. Lisa- being the blond that she is-decides to trip Mrs.Sloan (accidentally,of course) which causes her to fall face first on the floor. Everyone stops and stares as the room becomes silent, I continue to fill in the answers to my quiz. Luckily, I was at least smart enough to complete most of my essay earlier. By the time I finish, Lisa has already helped up Mrs.Sloan and is now guiding her back to her desk. If you want to know how she gets away with this, its pretty simple. Her father happens to own this university . She is stereotyped as a prissy brat because of who her dad is, but she is really one of the nicest people I know here. She also used to be my roommate, until I got my own apartment a few miles from campus. Let's just say that I have a lot to blackmail her with. Once Mrs.Sloan finally collects herself, she dismisses class.

Lisa and I are the first ones out the door. We head into the open campus. The campus here is quite beautiful. It is like any other campus with the wide open lawns, and the old buildings surrounding the courtyard. I never would've pictured myself here in the state of Maryland. I always thought that I would stay in the city and attend college in Manhattan, but ever since my father's death things have changed dramatically. I became a whole new person.

Lisa and I find a bench to sit at. Once we sit we both burst out laughing. "You did so good, until you lost her. Do you really think it was necessary to trip her?" I say in between laughs.

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