WEST-ALLEN: chapter one⚡

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   Team Flash is at Star Labs.
Harry- ... West-Allen! Cortex!
Iris and Cecile walk towards the cortex room. Cecile can feel something off about Iris.
Cecile- (she touches Iris' arm) Iris?
Iris- Yeah?
Cecile- Iris, are you aware that you're pregnant? Have you told Barry?
Iris- What? Are you serious?
Cecile- Yes. I can feel it. You didn't know?
Iris- No. But Barry and I have been-
Cecile- Oh god. I don't want to hear any more.
Iris- Sorry.
Cecile- It's fine. Are you going to tell Barry?
Iris- Of course. I'll just have to find the right time.
They don't talk about it anymore and walk to the cortex room. Iris sits in her chair. Barry looks at her.
Harry- Iris, something wrong?
Iris- No. Y-yes. I want us to talk when we get home tonight.
Barry- Everything okay?
Iris- It will be. (she smiles at him)
Later Barry goes into work. He starts to walk up to his lab but a familiar voice stops him.
Patty- Barry?
Barry turns around and he sees his ex Patty.
Barry- Wha-
Patty- How are you? It's so good to see you.
Barry- It is? What are you doing here? Back in Central City?
Patty- I finished CSI school. Thought I'd come and see you. Maybe we can get a coffee and catch up.
Barry- Are you asking me out?
Patty- Yeah. Is it a bad time?
Barry- (he touches his neck with his left hand) No, I just don't think my "wife" will be okay with it.
Patty- Wife?
Barry- Yeah. Sorry your too late.
Patty- (she sees the ring) Ohh. Sorry I didn't know.
Barry- Yeah. I have to go.
Barry walks away and goes up to his lab. Patty has no idea that Barry's wife is Iris. She's been gone that long.

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