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Avez-vous suivi I'unique héritière De l'etincelle familiale(have you followed the sole heiress of the family spark?)

"Désolé dame S,Elle nous a soudainement perdus de Vue(sorry lady S,she suddenly lost sight of us)

Espèce d'imbécilé,Je vous did De ne pas la quitter des yeux,Elle east la seule jouenese que nous pouvons faire pour venger l'étincelle familiale!(you fool!I tell you don't take your eyes off her,she's the only player we can do to avenge the family spark!)

"Je suis vraiment désolée, Madame S ne le fera plus jamais!"(Sorry really madame S we will never repeat it again) "

"Ça devrait l'être! Parce que si c'était répété, je ne te ferais plus revenir dans le monde!(It should be! Because when it is repeated, say goodbye to the world!)"

"la prochaine dame S!(Yes, lady S!)"

"Alors sortez et regardez l'héritier des étincelles! (Now go out and watch the heir to the spark family!)

"Prochaine chère dame S!(Yes, dear lady S) "

After serving them for their stupidity I sat on the couch near me, ordered one of my assistants to fetch me some water,I looked near the table where the picture of my deceased husband was, I took it and caressed it.

"Bientôt ma chère épouse, je vais te venger, je vais passer la course à l'étincelle qui a causé ta mort.(My dear husband, I will take revenge on you, I will pay off the race of sparks, which caused you to die!)" When I spoke to my husband's picture, I stood up to my seat and took the race pictures of the spark, I pasted it to the dartboard, I took ten darts, and threw them in pictures of the darts that were attached to the dartboard.

"Attendez juste des étincelles, je vous récompenserai, en particulier M.jeralde Sparks, payez ce que vous et ma famille avez fait, et bien sûr pour le plaisir avec mes enfants!(Just wait sparks, I'll reward you, especially mr.jeralde sparks, pay for what you did to my family, and of course for fun,I will also take your family to my revenge! ")

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