Chapter 2

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General POV

The session with the therapist didn't make Spencer feel any better. In fact, it made him feel drained. Having to talk about what happened after he burried it was emotionally draining.

Garcia was watching Luna, but had to go to the team. She has been a real help when Jess left and Spencer was forever indebted to her. Without her,  Spencer was sure he would have signed the child over to CPS.

Spencer got to his door and sighed. He didn't know how to do anything anymore. He didn't have the motivation to even try.

The whole situation he was in made it feel inescapable. A constant loop of waking up at various hours of the night to take care of a child that brings him many bad thoughts and dreams.

A two month old baby girl that did ask to be alive.

A two month old that needs a father.

On that note, Spencer strengthened his posture and held his head high. He put on a brave face as he grabbed ahold of the handle.

Fake it till you make it.

Spencer push the door open and smiled to Garcia. It was clear that she saw right through his facade but didn't comment on it 

"How was it?" Garcia asked as she grabbed her laptop, phone, and keys.

"Fine. Like always. Made some progress, according to Dr. Hue."

"That's fantastic! One step closer to being better!"

"I hope so. How was she?"

On que, the little girl made herself known. Spencer repeated the words he's been saying to himself in his head as he reached down to pick up Luna.

Spencer kissed her cheek as he settled her against him. At the start of the sessions, he wouldn't even want the child near him for longer than a few minutes.

Dr. Hue has been pushing him to try for longer contact in hopes that he will think positive things while holding his daughter.

After revealing how hw truly felt, Spencer was starting to see more of the positive sides of being a father rather than a rape victim.

Garcia smiled at the sight of a loving father and made her exit very quietly. She closed the door to the apartment slowly to not disturb them.

As she decended down the flight of stairs, she thought about home much everything has changed.

One moment, Spencer was getting better and moved past what happened and the next, Hotch is telling the team that Spencer has requested a leave of absence because he just became a single father.

She still had yet to ask what happened to Jess. She knew it was a sore subject and didn't want to reopen healing wounds.

She also knew that she had to figure out what went wrong between them as well. They were going strong and then nothing. She thought that it had something to do with Luna but she didn't want to make any assumptions before she got all tbe facts.

Mentally, Garcia addes that task to her list as she got in her car and drove to work. There, she would be ambused with millions of questions about Spencer and Luna.

It was a routine that she accepted to keep them from storming Spencer's place with worry. She was worried, but he asked her not to. He assured her that he would be fine and that the team didn't need to worry either.

But they do. He is part of the family and this family hates seeing each other in pain.

She was relaying any information she could. Atleast this weeks update would be better than it has been.

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