Liam led the way to the drama room but stopped in front of the large double doors before entering. He turned to me with a serious expression and said "Look, I'm kind of known for being the bad boy in this class so don't do anything stupid to fuck with my rep, alright?"

It seemed more like a threat to me, but I didn't mind. I didn't care about anything at this point in time. All I wanted was sleep. I'm never this groggy after I drink.

I slowly nodded and walked into the room. It was mostly empty with a few students at desks, and the professor wasn't in the room yet. I already forgot his name even though Liam has said it countless times. When Liam came in the room he sat next to me and I put my head down. I don't know how he handles that much drinking so well. I guess I'll have to take notes.

People kept entering in pairs and eventually the Professor walked in.

Damn. He was certainly easy on the eyes, definitely better looking than the Mckenna girl I got with last night. His brown hair was in a high quiff. He had rectangular glasses resting on his nose and bright blue eyes that I could see from the back of the class. He was wearing skinny jeans and a jumper that said Doncaster on it. I didn't know teachers could dress casually but I'm not complaining.

I didn't think this Tomlinson guy could get any better, until he started talking. "Good morning everyone. As you know this is the start of the second semester. We have a new addition to this class if I'm correct. Harry Styles?"

I coughed slightly and just nodded my head.

"That's me." I made my voice deep and intimidating to let everyone know not to fuck with me because I'm really not in the mood.

His head snapped up and he looked at me for a brief second before looking back down at his papers. He picked up a packet and walked out in front of his desk.

"Okay, so because this is a new semester, we are going to be finding new acting partners. I will pair you each up into boy/girl pairs and we'll work from there. Everything is going to be completely random so no complaining." Professor Tomlinson spoke with a bold voice.

Everything about him was just, hot. His hair, his voice-

I was snapped back into reality when my name was called.

"Harry Styles you will be paired up with Zoe Hendrick."

From the back of the room I heard an almost immediate groan and I turned around to see it came from an innocent looking redhead. She had ringlets of curls fanning her face and she looked pissed.

She must be Zoe?

She met my eyes and gave me a dirty look so I shot one right back. I don't know what's up her ass, but I haven't done anything to her.

I'm the one whose supposed to be giving the dirty looks here.


The rest of class was spent getting to know our partners. We were assigned to continuously ask questions back and forth and you only had ten seconds to answer. I didn't really give Zoe good answers, but she didn't really give me good questions.

Between all of the bickering between us (which she caused) I learned that she moved here from Tennessee, some state in America, and that she has a twin sister who will be in my drama class. I've always liked twins.

Before leaving the classroom I shot Mr.Tomlinson a wink, and to my surprise he didn't look upset. More the opposite rather.

Now Liam and I are walking back to the house and he's going on and on about how his partner Melody has liked Zayn since he began college and that she didn't shut up about him.

I don't know why she hasn't given up because Zayn is in a relationship with Liam.. but she can fantasize all she wants.

When the two of us got back to the flat, I could instantly smell the weed in the other room. I was still pretty hungover and not really up to smoking so I tip-toed up the stairs trying not to be seen as Liam went into the other room.

I just wanted to go and relax , and also try to figure out what in the world made me wink at my teacher.

"Harry, my man! Come join the party!" some voice yelled from the other room.

Cheers to another long night. Maybe all of this drinking will help me keep my mind off of Proffessor Tomlinson.


(A/N): So there's chapter two i guess

i read this thing last night that literally ruined my week before it even started and it sucked a lot

i hope you like this btw, i made it about 400 words longer than the last chapter.

please vote im begging

and if you don't want to vote because this sucks tell me

i also hope your happy Louis is in the story now, i think the next chapter is going to be in his pov so get excited

bye x -g

Professor TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now