Chapter 3 - Truth Hurts

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Pig man let go of my head and I slowly looked over at him through my tear-filled vision. I was terrified. But all of a sudden...

It all came rushing back.


I looked around at my surroundings and took everything in. I can't believe how bright it is. There are only slight silhouettes of blocks and tall shapes all around me, it's making me anxious.

It feels like they keep closing in.

I can hear my heartbeat loudly in my ears.

My body's not allowing me to breathe, or at least it feels like it.

I shut my eyes as tight as I can and tried to drown out every noise. I hated the feeling of my tears running down my cheeks, but they wouldn't stop.

Please help me.

I'm scared.





Where is everybody?

I felt light like I was being lifted. I finally found the courage to open my eyes again and was greeted with a smiling woman.

There was screaming but I couldn't point out the source. The woman in front of me had long dark hair that almost made a curtain around my face. Her smile was tired and there were dark bags under her eyes. Her mouth opened but I couldn't hear anything, the screaming was louder. All I felt was a vibration coming from the lady.

She was singing.

I know I recognized the tune, but it wasn't coming to me.

The screaming stopped by now and I could see the woman clearly. It was my mother. She looked so young. I can't comprehend what's happening right now. Why is my mother here?

"There we go. Now we're not sad anymore, eh?" She gave me another smile and kissed my forehead before jumping slightly as something moved behind her. "Hold on, sweetheart."

She set me back down in the bed, a crib, and walked away. Voices were muffled again as my vision slowly faded.


"Happy birthday, sweety!" I was thrown into the air and giggled.

I'm not sure why I laughed or why I was now seeing one of my birthday parties.

My father smiled at me and set me down. I looked to the right and saw the cake.


This is my 10th birthday.

There was a knock at the door, and I rushed to it, still remembering the layout of our old house. My grandparents smiled and said 'Happy Birthday' before giving me a colourful box. I gave them each a hug and immediately ran back into the living room and dining room, placing my present on the table.

"Nana and Papa are here!" My small self screamed, hoping one of my parents would here.

We always had food before we opened presents, but the cake was always last so that the children wouldn't have a sugar crash. My parents always said that it was because that's how it's supposed to be done, but now that I'm older I understand the real reason. The lunch was filling but Papa and Dad started throwing mashed potatoes at each other so none of us got to have our servings of potatoes. They got yelled at though, while Mama led us into the living room so I could start opening the presents.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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