Chapter 1 - The Paper

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Usually, it was the blaring music of my alarm or sometimes even the noisy neighbours.

But today was different for my blinds were wide open with the sunrise blinding me. I don't remember opening them but I felt more awake then if I woke up to my surrounding noises.

I stretched my arms over my head, pulling as I felt my bones pop back into their correct place.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet, looking for some comfy clothes. I found some sweats and a tank top to which I put on before heading back to my bed. You see, I have a job but I don't go doing it with sweats and a flashy shirt.

I work as an emergency operator. So picking up calls from distressed people is what I do. So I guess I don't need to look top notch, but still presentable enough.

We haven't had many calls, mostly because everything is virtual nowadays so crimes are pretty low, believe it or not. The only calls we do get are from break-ins. Now that may sound bad but with everyone in a virtual world, that's really the only crime that happens.

Continuing, though. I am a 23-year-old female going to Uni to hopefully be part of the physical medical fields, not just an operator. Virtual classes kind of suck but it's the only thing available.

Except for all that, however, I'm your regular adult in a virtual world.


In the virtual world, I woke up and looked around my room, seeing it all form into a solid state. Sighing, I remove my blanket and head to my door. I walked through my doorway and locked it, making sure to keep my key card on hand.

The streets are never busy when I usually walk to work but today they're filled. Not too filled, just more crowded than other days. Figuring that there was some event going on, I shrugged it off and continued on my way.

I noticed quite a few people gather around my office doors so I shimmied in between everyone to see the problem.

There was a paper on our door.

A bright, flowy paper was out of the usual as it stuck out from our surroundings. I ripped it from its tack and shoved it in my pocket.

"Nothing to worry about folks." I gave them all a smile before shooing them off.

"Now time to just get rid of it." I walked into the building and clocked in before heading to my own desk.

I sat down and took out the crumpled paper, reading it over.

VContest on Maine St. @ 18:00 sharp!
IRL Contest
Come to get more details'

I read it over a few times, not believing that someone was planning a real-life contest. No one goes out of their house anymore.

Sighing I threw it in the trash and slipped my wireless headset on, getting ready for a call.


I stretched and removed my VR headset, squinting my eyes.

"It's not worth going. It could be a trap or something..." I shook my head at the mere thought of going to that Contest.

Getting out of bed again I looked around my room not sure of what to do now. Usually, I just stare out my window or read a book but my mind couldn't focus, I couldn't sit still.

The silence was almost deafening as I spun in circles looking for anything to distract myself with. My eyes stopped on my shoes.

"No. I told myself I wouldn't go. No contest is ever in real life."

I continued to glare at my sneakers telling myself that there is no way I'm going. But my body did otherwise. Walking over to my shoes I slipped them on, throwing a sweater on as well. I headed straight for the door and started my journey outside for the first time in years.

I stopped at the door of my apartment, holding my hand over the door between me and the outdoors. Shaking off my anxieties, I took a deep breath and pushed it open. I gaped at the other towering buildings which seemed like they went up forever. The sky was gray and covered by polluted clouds. The air held an almost metallic smell as I took a large breath in.

"Holy shit..." The streets were all empty, minus the stray garbage flying around.

I took out my phone and typed in the information from the paper. It was quite the ways away, but that's also coming from someone who's barely ever walked in their life. I realised the farther I walked, the more open and green it became. It looked like those pictures on the postcards that seemed too beautiful to be real but here I was, seeing it for myself. I continued to gawk at the scenery, glancing down at my phone so I could make sure I was going in the right direction.

"I should be here it says... I don't see anything though." I bit my lip and looked for anyone, human other than myself.

That's when I heard yelling and almost regretted coming.

"GUYS!" A masculine voice yelled, breaking halfway through the word.

I ran over and looked on the hill. Four males stood around a table with flyers which were starting to fly away. They all seemed a bit surprised to see that someone actually came. Well, except one, he was woken up by being pulled up by his hair.

 Well, except one, he was woken up by being pulled up by his hair

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Holy shit, someone came..?" One with a colourful tank top asked first, seeming the most surprised.

"Better not be a joke..." I heard the one to my right snarl as he glared at me.

"It's not. I promise." Giving him a smile, I looked at the other two.

"It's great to meet ya! It's amazing to see someone saw our flyer!" The one who had pulled the black haired male up was one to speak again.

"It is. I'm [Y/n].."

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