The elves erupted into a chorus of cheers and shouts. Seeing their harvest triumphantly returned to its rightful owners was an instant boost to the morale and spirit of the entire village. They rushed to the sides of their returning champions, helping them to pull the load and give rest to the weary. It wasn't until they were closer, and the worried expressions on the returning soldier's faces resonated with the villagers, that all the excitement left the air.

"Where is the high priestess?" Valdin asked as he approached Shimmer and Snowflake. As much as he was ready to be rid of these useless females, they were familiar faces and therefore the fastest way for him to get the information he needed.

"She and the elders are in the Wilds," Shimmer said.

"You must lead me to them," he said. "Right now."

Shimmer raised an eyebrow as she stared into Valdin's determined eyes. "You know a meeting of the elders is not to be disturbed by anyone from the village," she said, astounded that she would have to remind him of such a thing.

"Everything has changed," Valdin responded with a shake of his head. "The high priestess must hear my words without delay."


The shock of Valdin's news caused Rosewood to lose grip upon her staff. The long, gnarled branch landed softly on the ground of the wild woods to the north of the village. Her mouth gaped open and her eyes were wide. Words failed her. There was no possible response to this horrific new development.

Shimmer and Snowflake were beside Valdin as he stood before the dumbfounded high priestess. Cricket, the small faerie, stood atop Valdin's right shoulder. The tribe elders formed a semi-circle behind Rosewood, their expressions just as shocked and overwhelmed as that of their spiritual leader. None of them spoke. Whether it was a lack of words or a lack of courage, each tongue held silent.

"How many died at the hands of these... creatures?" Rosewood asked. Her voice was soft and distant, with words meant for Valdin but directed at no one.

"Seventeen elves," Valdin replied. "Ripped apart like paper."

"Lady, help us," Rosewood said softly. "And... this blight you spoke of... is growing?"

Valdin nodded. "It appears to have originated somewhere in the Savage Lands to the southeast based on the direction it travels."

"It swept over our lands before we even knew it was coming," Cricket said. "Windsong shriveled and died before our very eyes."

Rosewood's left hand grasped her right arm and gently rubbed up and down along her skin. Her head bowed and her eyes shut. All of this was unfathomable. She opened her mouth, trying to find anything to say, but nothing came to her.

"How long before it gets here?" Shimmer asked. All eyes turned to the young girl standing behind the Harmonious human. Her hands were clasped together in front of her with her arms fully extended downward. She knew this wasn't her place and that neither she nor Snowflake had any reason to be a part of this meeting. Nevertheless, she felt compelled to ask the question at the front of everyone's mind that no one else dared to say aloud.

Valdin sighed. "The blight line extended roughly sixty feet in the short time we were there. At that rate, it could be here in as little as two days, maybe sooner."

"And it will bring those creatures with it, no doubt," Cricket said. "The elves cannot stay here."

"What will we do then?" asked one of the elders behind Rosewood. His voice was weak and full of fear.

"And how will we know how far away is far enough?" another asked. "Are we to run forever?"

Rosewood pressed the end of her staff firmly against the dirt below her. She gazed down at all the wild things growing from the ground, all living treasures given to them by the Lady. It was late summer and the forest was never more alive than it was at this moment. The thought that it could all be gone in a matter of days was impossible to comprehend. "We've never been this lost before," she said. "Before we do anything, we need real guidance."

Eternal Forest: Eternal Forest Saga - PrequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora