Prologue(Shallot) 2

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Here's the second part and I hope you all enjoy this fanfic so far!!!

Shallot's POV

As I just stared at the new arrival(Broly) as I was so confused on what in the world is going on as my companion looked extremely angry as he went gold again

"Get your head in the game, Shallot! We need to get out of this alive!" He shouted at me as I couldn't help but agree with him since the person in front of us is very dangerous

"Splendid! How I love it when the prey is foolish enough to resist!" He declared in a sick way of humor as my instincts were telling me to run away

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, BROLY!" Shouted another voice as a man in orange clothing and bright golden hair appeared out of thin air

"Kakarot!" Shouted Broly angrily at the new arrival 'Kakarot? Is that what this guy's name is?' I couldn't help but think curiously

"Whew, in the nick of time! You all right there, Trunks?" Asked the stranger as I looked at my companion as I was glad to at least know his name

"Yeah, just barely" Trunks grunted as I just stayed on the side awkwardly as the guy notice me

"Hm? Who's your friend there?" He asked Trunks as I sweat dropped at the scene as Broly looked very pissed not liking being ignored

"Oh, she's..." he was about to introduce me until it was his turn to get cut off

"Enough talk! It's high time all three of you in one fell swoop!" Declared Broly as he looked even angrier than before

Then he started to attack us with brute force as he was super strong and I was having trouble keeping up with my two companions as we manage to push Broly back

"Bet that smarts! How do you like me now, huh!?" I shouted at Broly smugly but he didn't looked fazed as he had that same look in his eyes as he looked me over as I felt the hairs on my tail stand on ends

"Oh, was I supposed to actually FEEL that?" He started laughing loudly as I looked at him in shock

"Holy cow...He's still standing!" I said in shock as Broly turned his gaze in my direction once again as he smirked

"You're nothing like the other two! Perhaps you have a better use for me!" He shouted as he took a step closer as I felt very angry at his words

"Why you...!" I bristled angrily at the man as I felt myself get angrier as Trunks decided to step in

"We can't keep him in the fight! It's too dangerous!" Trunks shouted as Broly looked at the two next to me as he looked angry once again

"Begone from my sight, nuisance!" He shouted as he was powering up for another attack directed at Trunks and his friend but then it came flying in my direction

As I knew there was no way for me to dodge as I try use arms to block the attack "w-watch out!!!" Shouted Trunks as he took the hit instead

"No....!" I shouted as went to his side to see if he was still alive

"Trunks!" Shouted his friend in worry as he was also at his side

To be continued...

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