Hungry Shark

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A/n: this is the stupidest and silliest story ever written by me. It is mostly teasing without plot. There isn't any story exactly. It is just Debbie and Lou's path to consummate their relationship (the relationship which they confessed a decade earlier but didn't take further steps) in the stupidest scenario possible.

This is just steamy teasing story

However I enjoyed writing this. Sometimes, story without drama is fun too😂

foxxaylove raulsonloves this is for you two 😂

P.S: I haven't gone through spellings and grammar. So, if you find any mistakes, just comment '*' in front of that sentence.


Year 2007

"The more I spend time with you, the more I get attracted to you. My heart desires to have more. It wants me to kiss you, love you, make you mine"

"Same here. I have fallen for you, Ocean"

"But we can't do that"

"Yeah, I know. Friends should never date"

"Yeah. I don't want to have bitter fight with you like I had with Tammy"

"Yeah. I too don't want us to fight"

"Let's not acknowledge our feelings. We will only be friends"

"Yeah, friends"

"We will never cross our line"

"We will never. Now get the fuck out of my room before I lose my control and fuck you right here"


2018, A week after MET Heist

"When will you return?"


"I'll miss you"

"Me too"

"You know, I love you"

"I know. And I love you too"

"What do we do?"

"Like always, let's not talk about it"


2019, Feb 10

3 am. Lou was done for tonight. After kicking the last bunch of customers out, and making sure her staff too signed out, she locked the club and rode back to her loft. She could see the lights ON in both living room and her bedroom.

Debbie is still awake, probably. I hope she is fine.

Lou opened the door and carefully rode her bike inside and parked. She saw Constance and Nine, still awake and doing something in their phone, not even acknowledging her or her thundering bike. She sighed. The two youngsters always were busy with gadgets doing god knows what!

"You guys, stop with that freaking phone and get some sleep. It's 3 in the morning"

"Five more minutes", both said, not even looking at Lou. Lou knew they won't listen. She sighed again and went upstairs to her room. She opened the door to see Debbie, completely naked, walking out the bathroom.

"Jesus! For fuck's sake Debbie, cover yourself", Lou said, turning away. Her eyes closed.

"Hello to you too", Debbie said. She took her time wearing one of Lou's shorts and t-shirt, all the while Lou's eyes shut tightly.

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