Chapter 2

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                                           Will Scarlet

Will awoke to a throbbing temple and a sharp ray of sunlight searing across his face. It's really hot today. Maybe John was wrong about the weather. Good! That'll teach him to be so hasty about making decisions. Not wanting me to hunt...wait!

He gasped as the night's events caught up to his slightly foggy brain.

"How was the nap Sleeping Beauty?" asked the rider.

Will sat straight up and realized he wasn't bound by anything. No ropes. Nothing.

Will stared at the stranger. Now that it was daylight he could clearly observe the small man. Even though he was sitting, Will could tell the man was short, at least a head and a half shorter than himself. His physiognomy was still hidden by his forest green hood. All but his emeralds eyes showed, which now held a spark of mischief and a hint of curiosity.

"Are you unable to speak? A mute perhaps?" asked the rider looking at Will with an unwavering intensity. This was a strong man who expected an answer.

"No," Will said his voice breaking much to his embarrassment. He cheeks reddened as the rider laughed. Will cleared his throat and asked, "Who are you? Why didn't you kill me? Where's your horse?" Will looked around and could not see the beast in the small clearing where they resided. He took note of the markers, a blacked Mark in the big red spruce, a baby pine with the twisting trunk there. He was about a mile from his tree house and three miles from camp in the opposite direction.

Will snapped out of his assessment of the surroundings and focused back on the man.

"Figure out where you are yet?" asked the man merrily. Will opened his mouth to reply but couldn't think of a single thing to say.

"As for who I am, I could ask the same of you, O Man of the Forest. The answer to your second question is why would I kill you? I see no reason, except perhaps to rid my brother of a careless Merry Man." Will gasped. "And as for Midnight, he's none of your concern. It's not like he is the one stabbed in the stomach." With that the man laughed a little and then groaned clutching his side.

"How do you know we are called the Merry Men? Who's your brother?" Will hounded.

The man closed his eyes, so long that Will worried he had passed out. A moment later the man opened his emerald green eyes and locked gazes with Will.

"Help me mount my horse and I will answer your questions on the way to your camp. Three miles north, correct?"

Will hesitated for a few seconds. If he brought back another man, there would be much joy among the Merry Men, if he wasn't a spy for the Sheriff. He looked again at the small man.

He could have killed me...but he didn't. I can extend the same trust to him...PLEASE don't let me be wrong!

"Alright where's your horse?" With that Midnight nimbly trotted into the clearing stopping just behind the man.

"The one thing I didn't teach him to do was kneel," he said softly.

Will approached the man and his beast warily. He reached down and grasped the man under the shoulders. He lifted him quickly and the man groaned. "Sorry," he muttered. He hoisted the man up onto the horse, noting the intricately carved long bow attached to the back of the saddle.

"Clumsy and rude. Take your eyes off of my weapon and put my feet in the stirrups," he snapped breathing heavily through clenched teeth.

Will complied and set about making the man secure in his saddle. When he was set they took off down the game trail.

"You never answered my questions. How do you know of the Merry Men? Who's your brother?"

The small man sighed and said, "I know of the title Merry Men because I came up with it. My brother isn't always good with words. Our mother always said I got the brains. And as for my brother's identity why don't you take a gander?"

Will looked at the man. If he would just uncover his head, I would know. He thought of the men in the camp. He was close to Harold's height but had a voice similar to James. Yet, he doubted it was either of them. Will gasped as something in his head clicked when he realized who it must be. The two men had the same air about them, one that commanded attention and order. It MUST be. It MUST!

"Figure it out yet?" the man laughed.

"John. Your brother is John."

"Correct, William Scarlet. Now the question is who am I?"

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