Chapter 6

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Bonnie's POV
April 2012
We were going after the cure (Note: Jeremy isn't gonna die here because Katherine never came, it was really Elena. Jeremy will let Silas drink is blood to get the cure but he won't die.) Professor Shane didn't want me bring a baby along but the difference is this baby is mine and I'm not gonna leave her home while mommy and daddy are gonna be gone for some time so me and Jeremy decided to bring her with. We find a place in the woods to set up the tent. Rebekah was with us and she knew about Mandy because I told her after I came back to school and she hasn't told anybody but Matt and Tyler but they already knew because Jeremy told them when I was still pregnant with Mandy. Me, Jeremy, and Mandy were in a tent with Elena and Damon, while Professor Shane has his own. Stefan and Rebekah were with us too. Professor Shane was ready to get that cure.
At night
Jeremy's POV
I was sleeping in the tent with Mandy while my girlfriend was out with Rebekah and Stefan. Rebekah did become Bonnie's best friend because Elena has been ignoring Bonnie lately well all of us except for Damon. All of sudden I hear my daughter crying and screaming as someone was coming in the tent and I thought it was Bonnie because she calmed down but it wasn't it was some guy and he took me. Once that happened I could hear my daughter crying and screaming again.
Rebekah's POV
I hear a screaming and crying baby I knew for a matter fact that the only baby here with us was Mandy so I ran to our tent. I walked in once I got there and Jeremy was gone. I pick Mandy up and she stops crying and screaming once I do. I decided to go get Bonnie, Caroline, Ellie, Jenna, Alaric, and Stefan and tell them Jeremy is missing. I walked back to the fire place we found in the woods and I told everyone everything.
Bonnie's POV
My best friend Rebekah says that Jeremy is missing and she heard Mandy crying and screaming so she hands me my daughter and I hold her. My baby girl looked so calm in my arms. I trusted Rebekah with my daughter but Elena I will never trust with my baby. All of a sudden I hear a loud scream and I thought it was my daughter but I look down and she's sleeping peacefully in my arms. I hear my name being called and it sounded like Jeremy's voice. "Hey Bekah come with me." I said as I held a sleeping Mandy. "Ok? Where are we going?" She said as she looked at me confused. "I heard Jeremy scream my name." I said as I walk off with my sleeping baby. Rebekah follows me and Mandy to where Jeremy is. "Jeremy!" I said as I saw him with a cloth over his mouth. I run over to my boyfriend and take the cloth out of his mouth. He hugs me and Mandy, he then kisses me on the lips and our daughter on the forehead. "Thank god my girls are ok." He said as he was so happy that his girlfriend and daughter were ok.
The next day
Today was the day we went to get the cure. The guy who kidnapped Jeremy last night was taking us to the cure. I grabbed the equipment and my daughter even tho I trusted her with Rebekah, Stefan, Ric, Jenna, Care, and Ellie, I just wanted to take her with me because Elena would try to hold her and I don't trust her around my daughter.
In the cave
Jeremy was already down in the cave so once me and Mandy came down we both fell and Jeremy helps us up. Mandy was fine but I wasn't, I got a cut on my hand so Jeremy pulls out a gauze and wrapped on my hand. He picked up our daughter after he did that and I took her after I got out of the the ropes. I put Mandy down because I was gonna do the spell on Jeremy's hunter tattoo. Mandy got me my spell book from Jeremy's backpack, and I said "Thanks babygirl." She smiled at me when I said that which I think was a you're welcome mommy. Once the tattoo was off Jeremy, I picked up Mandy again and we went to find the cure. We found Silas with cure in his hands, Jeremy tried to get it out of his hands but he couldn't do Mandy and I helped him well tried to but the three of us couldn't get it out of his hands. "It's like it's been there for 3,000 years." I said as I take Mandy away from the place where Silas was laying. "What do we do Bon?" He said as he looked at me and our daughter. "We have to feed him our blood." I said as I put my arm to his mouth. Once I'm done Jeremy goes than me and Jeremy put Mandy's arm to him. Elena walks in with Professor Shane and Silas woke up. Elena grabbed the cure and I rolled my eyes.

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