Chapter 3

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Bonnie's POV
I wake up next to Jeremy. I see that he's also up. "Morning Jer." I said as I gave him a kiss and he returns the kiss. "Morning Bon." Jeremy said to me as he kisses me and gets up from the bed. I was wearing one of his shirts and an extra pair of pajama pants Elena had. I get up from Jeremy's bed and I walk over to Elena's room. I see that Elena is just waking up. "Bonnie!" Hey." She said as she stretched her arms. "Can I borrow your clothes?" I said as she looks at me. "Yea you can." She said as I go to her dresser and got some clothes out, I also get out some panties and a bra out. "Kids breakfast." I heard Jenna say from downstairs. Oh right I forgot today is the day I start my senior year of high school and I'm 4 months pregnant.
"Hey beautiful." Jeremy said as he wrapped his arms around my stomach and rests his hands on my small baby bump. We sit down at the table and Jenna hands us the food.
At school
"Babe you can't talk to a Junior?" Jeremy said as he was coming up to me at my locker. "Well so what I'm pregnant with this junior's baby. We love you Jer." I said as I close my locker. "That ponytail makes you look way more hotter." He said as he places his hand on my stomach. The bell rings and we brake apart and I go to Ric's class. I was doing my history test when I started to feel like I was gonna throw up and I raised my hand. "Yes Bonnie?" Ric has said as he looked up from his desk. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I said as I held my hand over my mouth. Ric knew why I need to go to the bathroom because I'm pregnant. "Yes you may Bonnie." He said as I ran out the door.
Rebekah's POV
Bonnie had ran out of the room and I wonder why she did. She had her mouth covered too. I don't think she's pregnant so it might just be some stomach bug or food poisoning.
Bonnie's POV
I was going back to class when I got stopped by the vice principal. "Ms.Bennett why are you out of class?" He said as he was about to give me a dentition for being in the hallway. "Sorry sir but I was about to throw up so Mr. Saltzman let me go." I said as he but his pen and paper down. I walked back to class and texted Jeremy. Ric didn't care if we used our phones and Ric let me have my phone out because I need to text Jeremy in case something happens, but I know Jeremy wasn't pay attention in class.
Jeremy's POV
I was in class and I wasn't paying attention. Ms. Smith was talking about math problems and I was thinking about Bonnie and my baby. "Jeremy what's the answer?" My teacher says as I look at her and come out of my thoughts. "Uh...I have no idea." I said as I look down at my phone and see a text from Bonnie. "Mr. Gilbert off your phone and pay attention." My teacher said as she came over to my desk. "Um...I have to have my phone out for emergencies just ask Mr. Saltzman and my sister they will tell you and you even call my aunt too." I said as she walked away to call my aunt.
Jenna's POV
I was at home watching tv, when I get a call from Jeremy's teacher. "Hi Jenna, this is Ms.Smith. I was wondering, can Jeremy have his phone out?" She said and I knew why but how the hell was I suppose to explain that Jeremy's girlfriend who is a senior is pregnant with his baby? "Yes he can because he needs it to check up on his girlfriend because something happened

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