I OBJECT + special thanks

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One time, in our Minecraft server, we were having a court case along with all our friends. And my one friend who was outside was banging on the door and saying, "I OBJECT! I OBJECT." And all of us started laughing. In math class, my classmates and I were taking a test, and while doing so, I sneezed. Then my friend said, "Bless you child." And I said, "Thank you." Then my classmate said, "God bless you." And I reiterated on what I said before, and our math teacher was just watching the scene confused. One time, during English class, my classmate was explaining on why we should capitalize London and he said that London was a state and we all started laughing. Then someone said, "England is my city." And my friend started laughing. One time, two little kids asked my friends and I if we could help them with their server. And my friend said, "Uh sorry we have our own server to deal with." Then I said, "Sorry guys we got to put you down." Then all of my friends started laughing, and those two kids left since they were scared. One time, I had wolves in Minecraft that I needed to move, but since they wouldn't move I said, "Fine, I got to put you down." Then I killed my dog and my friends all started laughing as they were watching.

One time, there was this one douchebag who was talking back to the teacher and my friends were whispering and chanting at the same, "Send him to the ranch." Then our teacher turned around and asked the other side of class, "What should I do with him?" And I said, "Send him to the ranch!" And RamenEatingMonsterOA, my friends, most of my classmates, and I started laughing. One time, RamenEatingMonsterOA and I were talking about on how he got a higher than me in project even though he did it last minute in an hour. While, I spent five days decorating mine. Then I said, "Freaking Mr. (teacher name), he says effort equals success. While you did less effort and were more sucessful than me. Effort equals success my ass!" And RamenEatingMonsterOA and my other friends started laughing. One time, my friend and I were talking about school shootings and I said that I would t-pose in front of the school shooter. And Chessbrod said, "Bro, people actually do that to distract the school shooter." And I just started laughing. One time during math class, my math teacher said, "Silly boys, they have a hard time deciphering inches from millimeters." Then RamenEatingMonsterOA started laughing, half the class started laughing, and I started laughing.

One time, my friends and I were walking along while it was raining. Then we saw a kid taking a handful of water that was coming from the pipes on the wall and started drinking it, and I told my other friend and he said, "That's disgusting." And I just started laughing. One time during math class, we were in groups playing Kahoot. And our teacher said, "Why are there six groups? There should only be five groups, who are the two phones in one group?" And someone said, "One for my mom and one for my dad." And we all started laughing. In another time we were playing Kahoot, we were doing math and dumbest kids in the class said, "THE TRIANGLE IS BLUE, SO THE ANSWER IS BLUE." And they legit got it right and our teacher was internally face palming. When we were playing Kahoot, there was a question asking, "Is circumference used for GPS?" And our teacher was giving us hints and he said, "What's the Earth's shape?" Then when everyone answered, three teams got it right and 2 teams got it wrong. Then our teacher face palmed and a kid said, "What?! The Earth is flat!" And our teacher face palmed even more and my team and I started laughing.

During a class conference, our teacher said stop using the chat, and someone typed in, "NO." And someone else said, "Let's play GTA." And someone said, "Let's gooooo." And I was just laughing internally. One time, I was calling my friend Chessbrod, and she told me that during a zoom session, she brought out her phone and the teachers said, "Put that away or I'll take it away." And I started laughing and I was like, "HOW?!" One time, my friends and I were outside the computer lab waiting for my friend. Then I texted Chessbrod, where you at, then she said at the cafeteria and she said that she's was going to be in the computer lab soon. Then I texted back, run and she said I don't run unless theres a shooting, and I texted you shouldn't and she asked why, then I texted back, "embrace the shooting, lick the shooting, taste the shooting, feel the shooting, frick the shooting, BE the shooting." Then she showed the text messages to our friends and they all started laughing.

One time, during a zoom conference, my friend typed in, "glass is called glass because it's made of glass." One time in a student of the month conference, the principal in the conference said that she was going to give away an iPhone, then Chessbrod typed in, "the box is empty unless ok." And during that call, a teacher was trying to state his opinion and talk, but the other teachers kept interrupting him and he couldn't speak. One time, there was this one kid that told me to tell RamenEatingMonsterOA that he would pull out his cubic hairs with his teeth, then I told RamenEatingMonsterOA and he said, "First off that would hurt, secondly, that's disgusting." Then we both started laughing. When my friends and I were playing super smash bros during nutrition, there was this one player that everyone was pissed off at including and after we finished a game, he kept trash talking, then I said, "Shut your skin tone Google chrome garden gnome ice cream cone dimmadone extra chromosome..." then everyone started laughing and I finished with, "looking ass up." And people kept on laughing.

Thank you guys so much for reading this book of funny tales for four years straight. This is finally the end for this book. Maybe I'll make a sequel, maybe not, but I still thank you guys for reading this book. This book has 200 tales and two bonus ones in the end. I want to give out a shoutout to these people who are usually in my funny tales (or have been in my funny tales):


I'm going to eventually release another original story that has a action/adventure genre, so stay tuned if you're up for that! I hoped this book made you laugh when reading it at some point. I enjoy the funny moments I experience so I write them down! I thank you guys so much again for reading this book. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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