The Holy Shoe

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One time in science class, I asked my friend, "Can I have your holy shoe?" (The reason I called it holy is because couple days ago, he took off his shoe, and I splashed holy water, and bowed to it) And he was like "WTF." And I said "I'll give you one million dollars for it." And he said, "Deal." So I gave him check consisting one million dollars, and I signed Obama Care on it. And I said, "Obama Care will take care of the bill." So he gave me his shoe, and I put a price tag, saying two million dollars. Then, one of my classmates, bought the shoe, and soon after, they gave it back to me. Then, when our science teacher looked that there was a shoe on my desk he had that "WTF." face. And my friends asked me "Can I have my shoe back?" And I said "Give my partners body, and I'll give it to you." And my partner just flipped us off. One time, in history, my friend sneezed in front of me and I said "RACIST! YOU SNEEZED ON ME BECAUSE I'M (my race)!" And we both broke down laughing so bad. One time, my classmates and forgot to meet in a different place in computer science, and I said "Oh yeah! We're retarded!" And a couple of them started laughing. Welp that's it. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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