Little what now?

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Denki Kaminari a teenage boy who has an electric personality goes to U.A. and he has a little secret (pun intended) that only the bakusquad knows about and that secret is that he is a little.

Hitoshi Shinso another teenage boy with a insomnia problem also goes to U.A. and just got transferred to class 2-A and has like no friends besides deku and his friends.
Now let's get on with this story shall we.

              3rd person POV
Denki woke up to the sound of banging on the door which frightened the small teen because he woke up in little space.
He started crying because he was scared and shocked and that's when he heard yelling from outside the door.

                Denki's POV
I started crying more because there's a lot of loud noises coming from outside and it's scary. Then there's a lighter knock on the door and a feminine voice started talking " hey denks can you open the door please it's time to get up and ready now so we're here to help you." It was Mina " Mimi da dwoor is unwocked. " I said back. ( Mimi the door is unlocked)

                         Mina's POV
He said the door is unlocked but I turn around to see the three idiots fighting behind me what were they arguing about oh yeah trees they were fighting over trees *sigh* " boys stop fighting you're scaring kami." I say and they immediately stop. " he said we could come in." With that we went inside his room and we saw him balled up on the corner of his bed. It looked like he had been crying for hours. I rushed over there. " oh baby what happened."

                  Denki's POV
" I- I-I 'ad a bwad deam." ( I had a bad dream) " oi denks do you want to talk about it." Kat said. ( bakugo = kat, mina = mimi, kirishima = shima, sero = roro) I shook my head no. Roro went to pick me up and then put me back down and whispered to shima. I new what they were talking about.

                      Sero's POV
I went to pick denki up but as soon as I did I realized my arm was wet and I knew he had an accident. I put him down and whispered to Kirishima " hey kiri kami had an accident."

                 Kirishima's POV
Sero whispered to me that kami had an accident and I looked back at kami and saw the guilt and discomfort on his face. " kat you and sero leave the room me and Mina will get kami changed and clean ok." " ok." They all said. I picked up kami and realized sero wasn't joking so I layed him down on the floor and told Mina to clean up the bed while I get his uniform and a pull-up ready for him.

         To be continued
466 words Thanks for reading I really appreciate it hope you like it so far and shinso will be in the next chapter.
                                 - Turtle Studios

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