"It worked," Gemma exclaimed as she eyed Mardick's mustach.

Mardick looked at her in confusion.

"Where is he?" Gemma asked desperately as she grabbed the old man's arms.

"The Alpha is in the greenhouse," Mardick said, flustered. "He asked to not be disturbed."

"Don't worry about that," Gemma laughed as she ran down the hall. She used every last bit of her energy as she hurried down the stairs towards the greenhouse.

Once she arrived, she flung the doors open and ran inside, her eyes scanner the place for Exton.

She didn't see him right away. The greenhouse was a mess. Dead plants were everywhere. The pots and dead leaves scattered around the floor. Gemma spun around trying to find her mate. Her eyes jumped from side to side until she finally spotted a figure sitting on the floor all the way at the back of the greenhouse.

Gemma's heart began to beat rapidly. She inched closer to the figure.

"Exton?" she said as she neared.

Exton's ears perked up. He grumbled under his breath as he held up his hands and covered his ears. He was hearing her voice again.

"Exton," Gemma called out once more when he didn't turn.

Exton shook his head. This wasn't happening, he tried to convince himself.

For days he had been hearing her voice, her scent was engraved in his thoughts....he wasn't going to look, because there would be no one there.

When it was evident to Gemma that he wasn't going to turn around, she walked around him and kneeled in front of him.

Her heart stopped at the sight of Exton in front of her. His eyes were screwed shut, his skin ghostly pale. He seemed to have even lost a few pounds.

Gemma reached out as she watched him tremble in front of her. Her palm rest against his cheek and instantly sparks flew between them.

Exton stilled. Surely, he had officially gone crazy....

"Exton, look at me," Gemma begged.

Exton's eyes snapped open. Both he and Gemma gasped at the same time.

His eyes were bloodshot red and watery. Gemma almost cried out as her heart began to ache in her chest.

Exton couldn't explain what was happening. He reached out and picked up a strand of her hair.

"Are you real?" He asked in a trembling voice.

Gemma couldn't hold back the tears. As they poured down her face she launched forward and kissed Exton.

Exton caught Gemma's body at once. The hollow pressure in his chest was beginning to elevate. Even if this was some kind of hallucination, he had no problem.

Exton's lips moved roughly against Gemma's as he pulled her body completely onto his lap.

Gemma didn't know whose tears she tasted. Her heart hummed as Exton's hands held her close to his chest.

"Are you realy?" Exton asked again against Gemma's lips.

"Yes," Gemma laughed through the tears and kisses. "Yes...yes....yes."

Exton pulled back and held her face in front of him. His eyes scanned her, "How....how is this possible?"

Gemma laughed again, "I have so much to tell you."


Gemma didn't know how long she had spent wrapped in Exton's arms. Maybe they had stayed like that the whole night.

Queen Ascending (Ace of Queens #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora