"Like this?" I made another face and she laughed even harder. To see that smile on her face was more than enough to satisfy me for the rest of my life. Khloe was definitely my glowing sun during my dark times.

"I love you." I smiled and pulled her into me. I tilted my head down pressing small, delicate kisses to her lips.

"I love you too." She whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I whispered back. It was as if she had meant it for only me to hear.

"I don't know." She whispered back, giggling.

"You're cute." I smiled, pulling her into my even more as I captured her mouth with mine.

My tongue darted through her parted lips, allowing the taste of cherry to invade the blue raspberry flavor in my mouth. Our lips moved in sync, forgetting the world around them. I didn't really care if anyone saw us making out in the middle of the park, and Khloe didn't seem to mind either as she kissed back.

The kiss was gentle and sweet; both of us savoring the feel of each other's lips. My teeth clamped down onto her bottom lip, grasping it to try and stop myself from smiling.

I pulled back as she released a muffled moan. Her eyes fluttered open like little butterfly wings, batting softly against her cheeks.

"Are we ready, Pebbles?" I ran my thumb around her jaw.

"Yeah." She smiled. I pulled away, grabbing her hand. We tossed our semi empty cups, getting back into the car.

About forty five minutes into the drive, I noticed we were nearing the place. "Khlo, can you do me a favor?" She nodded. "Can you grab the envelope out of my bag in the back? Oh and also the shirt."

She crawled into the back, digging through my black gym bag. I watched in the rear view mirror as her eyes suddenly grew wide when she pulled out the autographed basketball jersey. Her eyes landed on the Miami Heat printing on the front before taking in all the autographs.

"Um, Niall?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"The only shirt you have in here is this." She held up the shirt in the rear view mirror.

"I know." I smirked.

"Why do you have this? More importantly where did you get this?!"

"I know people. But I want you to put it on and hand me the envelope."

"Niall, I can't put this on!" She gasped. "Do you understand how valuable this is?"

"Yes." I laughed. "And I want you to wear it."

"Why." My eyes caught the huge arena out the windshield. Cars were backed up, and we were now one of them.

"Niall, where are we?" She stared in awe.

"We are at the American Airlines Arena." I smiled.

She jumped back into the front seat. "What the fuck are we doing here?"

"What do you think were doing?"

"Niall, are we..."

"Khlo, I need the tickets in the envelope, please." I laughed as her mouth fell open. "Have you ever been to a game before?"

"No. Are we really going?"

"No, were just here because I like to sit in hour long traffic." My sarcastic remark caused me a playful slap to the arm.

"Niall, I love you so fucking much, right now."

"So you don't otherwise?" I cocked an eyebrow.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang