In Charge of the Flying Dutchman

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Andromeda's POV

I wake up in bed alone and stretch my stiff muscles. I sit up yawning as I rub sleep from my eyes. "Morning sleepy head" James says smiling as he enters the room with a tray of food.

"Morning my love" I say smiling. "You did not have to bring me breakfast in bed" I tell him. He sits beside me placing the tray on my lap.

"I wanted to spoil my beautiful wife" he states.

"What have you done?" I ask him as I make my morning tea.

"Nothing, but I received a letter from Lord Beckett" he tells me.

"He does know we're on our honeymoon right?" I ask him. We'd been in Cuba for a week and a half. We've hardly left the bedroom, not that I'm complaining. I love making love to my husband and having no other responsibilities to attend to.

"He does, but he wants us back" he states and I pout.

"But why?" I ask him as I snuggle into his side.

"He wants me to take charge of the Dutchman and be the one to give his orders to Davy Jones" he explains.

"I'm going with you" I tell him.

"I'd feel happier if you were in Port Royal" he tells me.

"I've been on the Dutchman before and survived, I was a pirate remember. I can handle myself" I tell him.

"I know you can, but what if you're pregnant?" he asks me placing a hand on my flat stomach. "We have done nothing else but made love since we were married. If you're pregnant you'd be putting our baby in danger also" he states.

"Ok, I'll make you a promise" I tell him smiling. "I get to come with you to the Flying Dutchman and help you run it. And if we discover I am pregnant, I will go to England to be with my father" I suggest.

"I can agree to that" he tells me.

"Good, now lets ate" I tell him and we start to enjoy our breakfast. "When do we leave?" I ask him.

"As soon as we're packed, a ship is waiting at the docks for us" he states.

"Great" I grumble and we finish eating. "Bath with me?" I ask him smiling sweetly.

"You know if I do, we won't leave for another couple of hours" he says stroking my cheek fondly.

"I don't see a problem with that" I tell him and kiss him gently. I get out of bed and head for the bathroom. I look at him over my shoulder. "Coming?" I ask and he rushes over picking me up. He kisses me passionately and I return it happily.

(Three hours later)

We finished our bath and packed. Now we're at the docks and see the Endeavor there. "Glad to see you two finally decided to show up" Beckett says.

"You're the one ruining our honeymoon" I remind him. "Which is our cabin?" I ask a sailor.

"The one next to Lord Beckett's"  he states.

"Perfect" I say smiling sweetly. "I'll go unpack, you talk with Beckett" I tell James. He nods his head and I kiss him before leaving with our bags. I find a door with the name Norrington on it and go in. I set the bags down and unpack our clothes. Once I was done I go back to the deck to see we've already set sail.

I smile as I feel the ocean breeze on my face. James comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. "How long until we reach the Dutchman?" I ask him.

"We'll rendezvous with it tomorrow night" he states. "Are you worried?" he asks me.

"About seeing Davy Jones and his crew again? No, I'm not" I tell him honestly. "Lets go ate, I'm starving" I tell him. We go and find food, then eat in our cabin.

(Next night)

We arrived and board the Dutchman. "Miss Swann, come to rejoin my crew?" Jones asks me.

"Mrs Norrington now actually and no" I tell him. "I am here to support my husband as he gives you orders. Now which is out cabin?" I ask him.

"First mates cabin" he states.

"Good, you two take mine and my husband's things to the cabin" I tell two soldiers. They nod their heads and do as they are told. I spot a familiar face amongest the crew and smile. "Greg!" I call and he looks up. He approaches us.

"Andromeda, I did not think I'd ever see you on this ship again" he says surprised.

"I am here with my husband, Admiral James Norrington" I say as I hug James' arm. "James this of Greg, he was my first mate. Before I went with Will to search for Jack and before the kracken destroyed my ship. Now he is a friend" I explain.

"Pleasure to meet you" James says shaking his hand. "I have some business to attend to, why don't you both catch up?" he suggests. I agree and he leaves with Jones.

"So where is Bootstrap?" I ask Greg.

"The cells" he says sadly. "He is becoming part of the ship as punishment for letting you and Will escape with the key" he explains. "I bring him food and water when I can, but I'm kept busy" he states.

"Don't worry I have more free time then you, I shall take care of Bootstrap" I assure him. "You just keep your head down and don't die" I tell him. He nods his head in agreement and lead me to my cabin. He left me so that I could change into more comfortable clothes. And out of the dress I'd been wearing since I'd arrived. I lay on the bed feeling better being in my old pirate clothes. A lot more comfortable.


Picture above of the Flying Dutchman and Davy Jones. Picture on the external link of Admiral James Norrington.

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