I know he's seen me, because Drake made a point of greeting me when they walked by. I smiled and said hi to Drake, and Penn completely ignored me. One of the girls was busy talking his ear off about something as they sat down at their booth anyway. He probably barely gave me a second thought.

But I'm distracted now. My eyes keep flickering over to Drake and Penn's table. I'm not meaning to. I'm actively trying not to. I just can't help it, and eventually Cameron notices.

"You okay? You seem kinda distracted." He asks with a genuine smile. That's Cameron all over. A genuine, honest guy. A real gentleman. The type of guy you want to introduce to your parents. Unlike some other guys I can think of...

He turns around to see what I'm looking at, and he nods his head a couple times like he's just realised something.

"An ex boyfriend?" He asks, and he's still smiling.

"No, not at all." I assure him. "One of those guys likes my friend. I'm just wondering what he's doing on a double date with some other girl."

It's true. I am wondering this. Why is Penn sitting allowing the girl next to him to lean into him like that and whisper stuff into his ear? Why is he smirking down at the table while he's listening to her talk? Why does he still mess around with other girls when he clearly has feelings for Scar?

Why is seeing him act all cosy with a girl making me feel hot and bothered..?

"Oh, okay." Cameron says, satisfied with my explanation. "That is strange. If he likes your friend, he shouldn't be dating other girls."

Of course Cameron would say that. Such a decent guy. I smile up at him as he excuses himself. He's gonna go settle the bill then run to the bathroom before we leave. Great. I wanna get out of here now.

I focus my attention on the screen of my phone while I wait for Cameron. I cannot keep looking over at Penn. I just can't. Aww, Ryan's put a selfie of him and Dash on his Instagram with the love heart emoji. Good for him. He's been so happy with Dash. I like his post and smile to myself before scrolling down my news feed.

"Who's the guy?"

I feel my body freeze at the sound of Penn's voice. Oh my god. He's actually came over here!? What the hell?! I look up and see him sitting in front of me, watching me with interest. He's actually came over here and stolen Cameron's spot! For a moment I imagine I'm on this date with Penn instead of Cameron, and I feel a strange flutter in my chest. But that's crazy. As if I would ever date someone like Penn. I ignore the thought before answering him.

"I didn't think we talked." Are the words that leave my lips. I planned on telling him it's none of his business who Cameron is, but I lost control of my tongue for a moment there. I can't let that happen again.

"We talk if we need to." He says, and I look over his shoulder and see that Drake and the two girls are watching us curiously. This is weird. What is he thinking!?

"And you needed to come over here and ask me about Cameron?" I reply, sounding like a complete bitch. He smirks at me. That unbelievably sexy smirk. Ignore it, Jax. Ignore it.

"Cameron." Penn says, like he's memorising the name. "Does Cameron have good intentions?"

"Excuse me?" I reply automatically. Jesus. What a weird thing to ask me.

"Just thought I'd ask." Penn replies casually. "He pulled a condom out of his pocket when he reached for his wallet just now. Guess you're in for a fun night, Princess."

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