I get dressed out of my lazy clothes and throw on a more appropriate dancing outfit, which just consists of a black tank top, my good cowboy boots, and distressed bootcuts with the brown rhinestone belt I'd bought myself for Christmas one year. Because I'm me, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without my old camo baseball hat with the American flag on it. I hardly do my makeup, just going over my lids with a light shimmery shadow and my lashes with a couple of swipes of mascara. 

For some reason, the girls have been avoiding Soda Pop like the plague, and I know Louise, the owner, is going to throw a fit the next time that she sees us. I mean we're practically regulars. We've been kinda bar hopping all over the area, even if SueEllen is pregnant and doesn't drink. Tonight, we're going to the next town over to a bar called The Blue Goose. 

I arrive in my blue truck roughly a half-hour later, of course after some more procrastinating, and find the guys at a table close to both the bar and the dance floor. 

I say my hellos to everyone, and Wes and June take to the dance floor where some line dance is happening. 

"Now where in tarnation have you been?" Carrie Ann shouts up at me, jumping over Tommy to slap a hand on my shoulder. She's already wasted.  

I try to hold back a smile at her drunkenness as I reply, "Traffic held me up." A little white lie isn't going to hurt anyone. 

"Good! I almost thought you weren't coming," she says. She almost tips over, and Tommy has to grab her waist to steady her. 

"If it wasn't so early, I'd have to take her home," he jokes.

I laugh and nod. "Who's on DD with me tonight?"

"Well, it was supposed to be this one." He gestures at SueEllen, who's slunk back in her chair like she's not here for it tonight. "I guess it's me now."

"I don't mind, Tommy. How many drinks have you had tonight? I can easily—"

"I've been nursing this beer since we got here a half-hour ago. Don't even worry about it. This is the first and the last," he assures, and I can't deny that I'm relieved that I don't have to drive everyone home myself. 

"Thank you, Tommy. That really helps."

"I wouldn't mind if you had a couple beers. I can handle you lot." He smiles encouragingly.

"I appreciate the offer, pal, but that part of my life is officially over, I can assure you that."

He nods, shrugging. "If you say so."

"And I do," I laugh. I look around the place, comparing it to our Soda Pop. "This place is nice. I wish Soda Pop had a bigger dance floor like this, ya know?"

"Yeah. Hey, speaking of dancing, you should know that Carrie Ann invited someone to tag along tonight. I only just found out a few minutes before you got here," he admits hurriedly. 

"How many times do I have to tell that I'm not looking for anyone right now? Who is it this time?"

He says nothing, but he juts his chin in the direction of the door, and I turn around with a roll of my eyes to see who she invited this time. My eyes bug out when I see who it is, and I whirl back around to face Tommy.

"She didn't," I hiss. 

"She did.  And he's on his way over now, so be nice."

I open my mouth so that I can grumble about Carrie Ann some more, but a panicked flash of Tommy's eye to someone over my shoulder shuts me up. 

"Hey, Beau," Tommy greets Carrie Ann's brother with a fake cheery smile. 

"Hey Tommy, hey Josie. It's been a while," he directs at me, sitting down right next to me. 

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