💾 Chapter Eight 💾

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"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)..."

Tai smiled and reached out his hand to shake yours.

"So, I'm guessing you're a digidestined?"

Before you had a chance to reply, you tensed up at the feeling of an unfamiliar pair of arms wrapping around your shoulders.

"Oh thank goodness there's another girl on the team! I was beginning to think Sora and I were the only ones!"

Tai chuckled and gave you a sympathetic smile as the girl continued to hug you from behind & babble on about potential shopping trips and sleepovers.

"Jeeze Mimi, give her some room to breathe..."

You looked behind Tai and saw Matt walking over to the three of you, while holding onto T.K.'s hand.

You were beginning to feel overwhelmed. In the span of two days you had gone from traveling around a foreign world, with only your partner to keep you company, & now you were being surrounded by the majority of people who would help you save this world form eternal darkness. It was a lot for you to process in such a short amount of time.

"Prodigious! It looks like my theory about the digivices was correct!"

From the corner of your eye, you could see a short boy with spiky red hair running towards your continuously growing group of friends.


The red haired boy ran straight past you in favor of setting up his laptop and inspecting Leomon, who was now laying motionless on the ground.

"Precisely, while Mimi and I were trapped in the ruins, we were confronted by Centarumon! As Tentomon and Palmon began digivolving into their champion forms, I noticed a strange light emanating from our digivices..."

Mimi dug around in her pocket for a moment before bringing her arm back around your shoulder and showing you her green digivice.

"Once we got rid of that nasty black gear inside him, Centarumon told us that these cute lil gadgets were the last line of defense against Devimon! Although I'm not sure why we would need any defense, it's not like we're playing a game of football..."

You heard the shorter kid let out a heavy sigh as he shook his head and continued to type.

"Anyway, I theorized that the light from our digivices could also be used to destroy the black gears..."

Tai ruffled the kids already spiky hair and laughed.

"Well its a good thing you were right, otherwise we'd all be cat food!"

Mimi moved her arms from your shoulders and let out a loud "Hmph". You watched, dumbfounded, as she angrily walked over to the shorter boy and repeatedly jabbed the side of his head.

"Hey, brainiac! Don't you have any idea how rude you're being!? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"OW! What's the big idea Mimi!? Introduce myself to wh-"

As he looked back to yell at Mimi, he finally noticed you standing behind him.

"Oh! My apologies! I wasn't aware that anyone else was here... My name's Izzy."

You chuckled in an attempt to settle your nerves and reached out to shake Izzy's hand.

"It's alright, no need to apologize."

Tai loudly cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention.

"Dose anyone know where Joe and Sora are?"

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