The bright white light was blinding. Gemma quickly placed a aching hand over her face to shield her.

"Don't worry," Azazel's voice spoke. "You're not dying and this isn't the light at the end of the tunnel."

Gemma sat up in confusion. She lowered her hand and dared to peak.

Everything around her was a blinding white mess. She couldn't tell where one wall ended and another began. In front of her, Azazel's translucent figure stood gawking at her. Her dark hair was tamed and pulled back into a bun.

"He didn't save you." Azazel moked Gemma.

Gemma grunted as she pulled her body up to a sitting position. She leaned back against the white wall and tried to catch her breath. Every cell in her body was in pain.

"He tried," Gemma said breathlessly. "That's all I could ask for."

Azazel rolled her dark eyes.

"Where are we?" Gemma asked. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her legs around them.

"Pandora's dumb box," Azazel said as she lightly tapped the wall with her feet.

Gemma didn't know what to say. She tried to hold herself together and not think about Exton.

She would never see him again....

Her heart felt numb and cold. She couldn't bare the hollowness in her chest. She felt as if the oxygen inside swirled around aimlessly.

A stubborn tear fell down her face as she stared at the floor. Her fingers trembled as her insides shook.

"Tobias came to see us," Azazel said examining her fingernails.

Gemma didn't answer. She was now stuck here for eternity with this freak....she needed to start learning how to drown out her voice.

"He offered me a deal," Azazel continued.

Gemma remained silent.

Azazel watched her for a few minutes. Other than the occasional blink, the girl did not move. Her hollow eyes stared at nothing. There were no more tears. She was done crying....there was nothing left of her.

Azazel huffed in annoyance. She stormed over to Gemma and looked down at her.

"Get up," she demanded.

Gemma ignored her.

"You look pathetic," Aazael rolled her eyes. "Now get up."

When Gemma refused to move, Azazel stomped her feet.

"Tobias was here," Azazel said again. "Don't you want to know why?"

Gemma blinked.

"He wants to bargain for you," Azazel crouched down to look Gemma in the face. "He offered to send Hector in here in exchange for your release."

Gemma quickly crushed the little bubble of hope that tried to float in her heart. Knowing the sick and twisted being that Azazel was, she could be faking.

"I don't know how I feel about it," Azazel pondered. "I mean I love him....but to be with him 24/7?"

"You don't know the first thing about love," Gemma couldn't help but answer.

Azazel giggled, "Such a classic line."

"What would you know about love? Your own mother used you as a ladder to climb to Olympus," Gemma said looking Azazel into her eyes. "You're so damned you couldn't even be with the only man who ever tried to understand you or love you."

Queen Ascending (Ace of Queens #2)Where stories live. Discover now