“That’s ok.” He smiled. “Maybe tomorrow?”

“I would love too.”

“Of course you would…have you seen me?” He said with his signature smirk causing us both to laugh.

“Mr. Williams.” Mr. Smith snapped at us in the front of the classroom. “Would you like to share you’re conversation with the rest of the class? It must be more interesting than what I’m teaching for you to not pay attention.”

“I was just telling my beautiful girlfriend how I was going to take her on a date tomorrow.” He grinned back at Mr. Smith who fumed.

People around us smiled or made ‘awww’ sounds which only made Mr. Smith angrier. I did however notice that Nadia was sitting at the front of the class glaring and whispering to her friend. I figured she was probably whispering profanities or death threats.

“Well please keep that kind of talking out of school.” Mr. Smith said before turning back to the white board about to write more on it.

“Don’t worry this was a onetime thing.” Aaron continued. “I usually keep it to the bedroom.” I saw Mr. Smith tense but he didn’t say anything even as the whole class burst into laughter and mocking tones. I smacked Aaron’s arm lightly giving him a playful glare. “You’re blushing.” He said smiling.

“Because you just talked about our relationship to our chemistry teacher and the whole class.” I laughed.

“I’m sure they didn’t mind.” He said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

“Mhm.” I murmured leaning my head on his shoulder. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”

“Hey…I prefer the term sexy.”

I shook my head but otherwise didn’t say anything.


I got home after cheerleading practice and quickly showered and changed my clothes.

My dad had told me he was taking me somewhere nice so I had to dress good today. Especially because he hadn’t been a fan of my clothes lately.

I slipped on a strapless salmon pink dress that stopped around mid-thigh but had see through material hanging down diagonally to my right. I also put on my charm bracelets and pale gold heels.

I carefully walked down the stairs after putting on light make-up and straightening my hair. I sat on my couch waiting for my dad to get home so we could leave.

Half an hour later I was still sitting there wondering why he was so late.

I pulled out my phone and called him.

He picked up on the second ring.

“Andrew Thompson speaking.” My dad answered curtly.

“Hey dad…are you almost here?” I said quietly.

“Oh Sage…I forgot to call you but I can’t go out to dinner tonight.”

“What? Why not?” I said astonished that he was canceling on me.

“I have to stay later at work then I thought I did.”

“Dad you didn’t even call to tell me!” I said my voice starting to rise as tears threatened to spill over my cheeks. “I’ve been sitting her for half an hour waiting for you all dressed up and everything.”

“I’m sorry Sage but I’m busy.”

“You weren’t even gonna tell me where you?” I said letting the tears slide down my face. “You were just gonna let me sit here alone.”

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