Finding Olivia

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Stacey (lulu's mom's) POV
I was fast asleep when I heard a sudden pounding on the door, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6am and then I wondered who could've been calling at this hour, I wondered if it was Olivia, but she always took her key and then I heard them call,
"Police, open up" 
"Just a second" I called as I quickly but on my dressing gown and slippers, I then sped down the hall quickly checking on star as I went past her bedroom.
"Madame, if you do not open this door we will force it down" said the police man.
"Oh no please don't do that, I'm coming now" I called and then I opened the door.
"Sorry I took so long I had to quickly get dressed don't want to open the door naked" I said.
"I see, well I'm Sargent Jones and this is my co-worker Delilah" said Jones.
"Right Okay and how can I help you"? I asked.
"Are you Olivia Fields"? Jones asked.
"No she's my Daughter why"? I asked.
"Okay well you see the thing is...." said Delilah and then they both went on to tell me what happened.
"Oh my" I said in complete shock.
"Look I know this must be hard to hear but if you have any idea of where she might be then it's important that you tell us as for all we know she might try and hurt Jack" said Delilah.
"Oh no she wouldn't hurt him, she loves kids, she's got a daughter of her own" I said.
"And yes I know where she is, we'll that's if she's gone where  she told me she was going" I said.
"Where is that"? Asked Jones.
"Her friend's house, they live at 17 port avenue liscroft road" I said.
"Okay thank you for your time Madame, we'll keep you updated" said Delilah.
"Thank you oh and please call me Stacey" I said and then they left the house and then I just stood there in shock wondering why.

Olivia's POV
I was still in a state of panic, I had just settled jack down to sleep in the bed with pillows around him, I had to find a way to take him back, I would just have to take him back, hopefully they would know how sorry I am.
I picked Jack back up off the bed and I wrapped his blanket around him, I then carried him downstairs, I then picked up his bag, I was then about to leave the house but then I thought that I had better make the bed otherwise my friend is going to think that she was burgled, I placed Jack on the sofa and then I quickly ran up the stairs and made her bed, I then went back down stairs picked up Jack and his bag and then I headed out the door.

Outside Joe's
I arrived at Joe's and I could see that his door was slightly open, I took a deep breath, knocked and then called his name as I walked in.
"Olivia"? Joe called and then he saw me with his son in his arms and then Dianne came rushing over to me, taking Jack from my arms.
"Sorry guys we couldn't find her" said a police officer and he walked in, I didn't clock at first that it was a police officer because I was in shock thinking about what I had done, but then I realised.
"Wait you told the police"! I said angrily, but in my head I was thinking, well of course they told the police Olivia.
"Well what did you expect Olivia, my son was missing, I just stood there in silence, I mean what could I say exactly.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter XX

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