First day of school

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"Mam it's fine u don't have to drive me to school." no no I have to , its your first day of secondary!". I guess I'll just have to go long with her then.
We arrived at the school five minutes later , there were kids everywhere! All hugging goodbye to their parents and then running over to their friends. But then there was me , I'm the type of person that will wait in the car until the very last minute when I actually have to go in. Sure I've no friends to go over to anyway so it was no big deal , I didn't mind.

Ugh it was horrible first when u go in there were people greeting u all saying "welcome to secondary!". After we walked past them u go into a hall. I didn't know what table to sit at , as everyone else was sharing a table with all their friends. I decided I'd just go into the bathroom and stay there , that way people won't stare at me if I just stand at the back of the hall.
But I started to hear a deep voice and everyone went silent , I was guessing it was the principle so I went back out. If everyone was concentrating on him they wouldn't notice me at the back. I wasn't really listening properly until I started to hear names being called out and all the girls screaming when they found out their friends were in the same group as them. Then the principal came back , I think his name is Mr Higgins, and he started talking " okay and next is ms claffey , if you here your name that means you are in group elms and ms claffey will be your class tutor this year". So ms claffey came up and started calling out names " .... Rebecca black....jasmine Walton..... Sofia brown and emma murphy." right I've got one thing sorted, I'm in elms and my class tutor is ms claffey. I'll have to remember that because my mam will be asking me questions about what happened today.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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