What A Coincidence!

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- Very next night-

Zuko came back from work with no emotions.

Sokka : " Zuko, why you look so moody? " Sokka is worried.

Zuko : " I just need to sleep... "

Sokka : "Okay... I will sleep next to you, so you can feel better! " Sokka is still worried.

So they got ready for bed and went to sleep.

- Middle of night -

Sokka wakes up and doesn't see Zuko next to him. And sees a door open to outside. But Sokka didn't want to go outside so he waited.

Zuko came inside.

Sokka: " Zuko, you came! " Sokka is worried

Zuko : " Hi babe..."

Zuko kissed Sokka.

Sokka : " Tell me, what's wrong? "

Zuko : " No need to worry... "

Sokka thinks he's lying...

Sokka : " Are you sure?... " Sokka sad noises.

Zuko : " It's still night time you should get some sleep. "

Sokka : " Okay, but you have to get some sleep too! "

Zuko : " I'm Fine! " Zuko answers aggressively.

Sokka is really worried. He doesn't want to annoy Zuko Really bad so he went to bed and Hoped that Zuko will go to bed too. But Zuko didn't go to sleep he dosen't think that is possible that Pervert women and E are his parents!

Sokka thinks Pervert women and E made him different.

Zuko can't stop thinking how Sokka look so cute when he sleeps. So he went to sleep. Next to Sokka.

- The next Morning -

Sokka wakes up and knows that Zuko went out to train. So Sokka thought it's a great idea to make pancakes for breakfast! Then Zuko came back home and he seemed bit angry.

Sokka : " Why he dosen't tell me the tru-... Heyyy Babe! "

Zuko : " Morning sunshine! What are you making? "

Sokka : " Pancakes...! " Sokka is worried.

Zuko seems that Sokka is worried...

Zuko : " Are you worried? "

Sokka : " I can say... yes... Please tell me what's worng? "

Zuko : " It's nothing I just needed to think about it... "

Sokka : " But you were awake all night and thinking so hard about and I think you're lying to me! Oops... " Sokka said everything out what he was thinking about...

Zuko looked disappointed but he kissed Sokka and said something terribly.

Zuko : " E is my mother..." Dun Dun DUUUUN

Sokka : " Wait what!!! " Sokka was so terrified.

Zuko : " I was confused too! "

Sokka : " That was unexpected "

Zuko : " Pervert women is my grandmother "

Sokka : " But why she asked me - Do I love porn? "

Zuko : " She's stupid that's why... "

Sokka : So she's a porn star?... "

Zuko : " Yes. Now you need to stay away from her! "

Sokka : " Okay... Well Here's your pancakes "

Zuko : "Oh Thanks uwu "

Zuko and Sokka started eating pancakes till they were full...

- To Be Continued -

Zukka ( Zuko x Sokka )Where stories live. Discover now