The Delivery

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Rebeccas POVIt's Monday February 14th and Rebecca has never felt lonelier than this dreading day and that is Valentine's Day

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Rebeccas POV
It's Monday February 14th and Rebecca has never felt lonelier than this dreading day and that is Valentine's Day.

She was again alone for the holiday of love.
It pained her to see everyone in her life find love and be with somebody.

She envied them.

Saying she wanted to find love was an understatement she was desperate.

It's not like she hadn't tried dating, because she had many many many times and they were either never her type or she wasn't there's.

The only upside to her life was the children she taught. Yes, she was young to be teaching kids, exactly only 24. Especially when she taught kids who still needed to know the ABC's but she loved every second of it, it made her feel less lonely.

Unfortunately for today though the kids weren't bothering Rebecca with millions of questions instead they were sharing out their valentines candy and giving notes, some were even giving smooches on the cheeks and hugs to one another.

Even the kindergarteners found someone they can share the holiday with. This made Rebecca feel even worse.

"M-miss sanders?"

Hearing the sound of a child trying to get her attention got Rebecca out of a daze.
She moved a bit in her Spiny chair to face the 6 year old boy.

To her surprise he had a single red rose and a heart box of chocolates in his hands.
Her face softened and it was like for a second all her moping had gone away.

"Thank you so much Benny" she reaches her hand out to get the gifts from young Bennys hands when suddenly he pulls his hands back and starts shaking his head furiously.

"NO, these aren't for you Miss sanders there for Ashley".

Rebecca froze and had a dumb look placed upon her face.

"I-I want you to give these gifts to Ashley please".

He then again starts to give Rebecca the gifts.
Rebecca still a bit shock by the rejection just smiles and nods while taking the gifts.

Benny smiles wide and thanks Rebecca while running back to his friends, who were playing Lego's.

If Rebecca didn't look like she was miserable a few minutes ago she was definitely worse now,
but as sad as that made her feel she did what Benny wished and gave the gifts to Ashley and telling her they were from Benny which only made Ashley giddy, as she stuffed her face with chocolate.

A few minutes had passed and the bell for the end of the day had rung and kids where already ready and were running out of the doors.

Rebecca head just fell on the desk and a loud groan came out of her.

"Hahaha what's the matter?, have the kids finally woren you out".

Rebecca didn't even have to look up to know that, that voice belonged to one of her close besties.

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