When you and Shoji had some alone time, you even showed him how your quirk worked on a glass of water. The substance that fell out was more like plastic, rather than Jell-O. It was impressive to see how much you’ve learned about your quirk in such a short span of time.

After the day of graduation, the students all had a full seven days of break. The first week of April would be when the students start going back to school, so they were all exhausted. However, they know that their second year was important. Aizawa had been keeping track of the student’s and their scores in the quirk apprehension tests. They were asked to take one at the end of the year as well. They’re places didn’t change much, though Midoryia came in a much higher place. Shoji had placed seventh, dropping down only because of Midoriya’s score. He was extremely proud of himself or being able to keep up with the rest of his classmates.

After some training, Aizawa had asked you to take the same test and compare your scores to the former first years. When you had taken it, Ectoplasm had been the one hosting it for you. He said that your scores from the last one had improved, but not greatly. Out of the class you were aiming to get into, you ended up coming in last place by a landslide. Realistically, that’s what you expected.

Though, Ectoplasm pulled you aside and began to speak to you about joining class 2B. Sure, you wouldn’t be with the class you wanted to be with, but your scores fit them better than anything. Out of twenty-one, you would’ve ranked seventeenth. Not exactly the best, but it was reasonable given that you hadn’t truly worked for your strength. Training with Bakugou would occasionally make you realize you have to start working harder for what you want.

So, in the week you had off while Nedzu began to finalize the decision, you asked to work with Ectoplasm. Shoji was asked personally by the mentor to assist in your training because of his connection with you. He’d also have an opportunity to better himself with this training.

It was currently a Saturday, and you woke up earlier than you would’ve liked to. Your mentor has asked you to meet him in the lobby of your apartment building at around nine in the morning. You agreed to it, honestly not having any other choice. The current time was seven in the morning, and the idea of showering came to your mind. It was soon dismissed, though, given that you might need one after the day is through.

From next to you on the bedside table, your phone began to vibrate. The caller had a blank picture and two simple blue hearts as their name. A smile comes to your face as you reach for the phone. “Hey, Handsome.”

There’s a stutter on the other end. “Oh, hush. I was calling to make sure you were awake. Did you forget about Ectoplasm?” He asks, the sound of honking horns coming from his end causing his voice to sound choppy.

“Uhm, no. I had an alarm set for eight, but I woke up like three minutes ago. Why are you making sure I’m up now?” Your body cracks like a glow stick as you stand, causing you to groan and contort your face in a cringe worthy manner.

The outside noises stop as you hear a door close on Shoji’s end. “I’m asking because I just got to your apartment. I tried to call you two other times, but you don’t have your ringer on, I’m guessing.” He huffs.

All you can do is chuckle and roll your eyes. “Shut up, it’s on,” you trail off with a grin, “sometimes.”

“You’re unbelievable.” He huffs, stepping into the elevator. “I’ll talk to you in a minute.”

You walk to the bathroom and look at your attire. “Okay.” He hangs up the phone after a couple second pause.

The fact that he randomly shows up to your apartment doesn’t seem to surprise you like it used to. Of course, it still warmed your heart to see that he cared so much about you. Making a trip from the dorms to your apartment was no easy task, but he always did it with a smile on his face.

"honesty and grace" (Mezo Shoji X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now