Part Five: The End..?

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"Am I a bad person..?" "No.. of course not" they say slightly concerned. "Then why would they do this to me?"Infinity says as she looks up at the blue bunny with tearful eyes. "What did I do.." she quickly looks away. "Infinity.." he sighs. "You did nothing wrong.. they're just a little.. confused is all, but don't worry, I have the perfect plan to fix everything.." he gently holds her face to look at him. "I know a place you can stay for a short while.." "So I really am leaving.." her voice cracks as she slowly looks down. "Only for a little bit.. until I fix everything.." he brings her head back up to look into her eyes. "And don't worry.. I will fix everything." He hesitates for a second, but he then quickly let's go and looks away to pull a small slip of paper from a small crevice on his right leg. "This is the address.. here." He gently grabs her hands and places the paper in the middle of her palm. Closing his hands around hers, he looks back up to her eyes. "Please stay safe.." he hesitates again. "I love you.." he whispers, mostly to himself. "What?" She wonders if she heard him right. "N-Nothing!" Bonnie stutters. Infinity sighs, she knows she heard him right but would rather not press on the matter any further. Instead she looks down to foxy. "What about her..?" Infinity's face darkens. "Why don't we have a proper burial..?" Bonnie suggests. "Yeah.. I'm sure that's what  she'd want.." she looks back up at him with a slight smile. Infinity looks over to Foxy and crouches down beside her, she then puts her hands under her and picks up the white fox bridal style. "Do you need any help?" Bonnie ask as he follows her out. "No." I just wish I knew  sooner, Infinity thinks to herself as they make it outside. They walk a little ways from the pizzeria and find a large cherry blossom tree. Bonnie grabs a shovel he found beside the tree and begins to dig a six foot deep hole while Infinity holds foxy tighter. After a while Bonnie finally finishes and jumps out of the pit. Bonnie walks over to where Infinity is standing and offers his arms out to take the small white fox but Infinity refuses, instead she brings Foxy over to the hole and crouches down beside it. Infinity sits down with her legs dangling over the side, she then jumps down holding Foxy tightly. Looking down she gently places the fox in the middle of the hole. She gently pets the top of her head. Hesitating she finally backs away looking up at Bonnie who helps her out of the hole. Bonnie picks up the shovel and starts to bury her with Infinity helping this time. Finally done Infinity looks up at the moon with a slight pain in her heart. She didn't even notice it get dark. Infinity looks over at Bonnie then to the soft soil they had just placed. She lets out a deep sigh. "Bonnie.. thank you for everything.. but I think you should go back.." "A-Are you sure..?" He stutters. "Yeah.." He hesitates, looking toward the way they came and back at her. After a few seconds of contemplating what to do he finally agrees to leave. Walking away, regretting his decision before it was even made. Infinity watches him leave till all she sees is his small silhouette. She looks back to the turned dirt. "Foxy.. I will always love you.." she whispers as the slight pain becomes stronger, almost unbearable. With tears fogging up her eyes, she holds the spot where her heart would be. Unable to keep consciousness, she collapses. Completely unaware of the dark figure standing behind her.

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