Chapter 14 -Bullies And Crime Fighting

Start from the beginning

Everything went alright until lunch.

May usually gives me lunch money but since I skipped school yesterday, she punished me by not giving me any money and the money I make at my job goes to the bills.

And of course, Flash noticed me being without lunch today. Flash who always has enough money to get the best lunch. Flash who always brags about that money. Flash who always mocks me for not having enough money. Flash who always brags about his parents that so obviously don't care about him.

Anyone with a brain could tell that Flash's parents don't give a shit about him.

They are never seen at events or anything that the school holds. I am probably one of the few who really understands what Flash is feeling. Except, no, I don't.

I'm not a bitch just because how my homelife is. I understand he's just seeking attention. The attention he's not getting at home. But the attention he's getting at school is the wrong sort of attention. Instead of him being cool, people hate him for how he treats others. He even has the audacity to mock me for my bruises. How fucked up is that.

I understand that it's hard. I really do. But we all gotta use our brain at some point and get our heads out of our asses before we do a big fuck up.



Anyways, back to the story.

Flash insults me (as usual) and I don't care (as usual). Flash gets a little pissed and continues to mock me

"Flash, Seriously. I still wanna be able to use my brain. So how about you get the fuck out of here and leave him alone." MJ clapps back after Flash said something stupid.

"Shut it Jones. I wasn't talking to you." Flash spits out and MJ stands up. Her anger practically radiates off of her.

"I beg your pardon." She says sharply. Not a question. Flash stays silent and glares at her. I sit still, feeling tired, mostly of his bullshit.

"Flash, let me give you some advice." I start but Flash is quick to cuts me off.

"I don't need advice from idiots like you." He spits again.

"Just listen. You don't have to go by it, I'm just telling you to listen." Flash stays quiet, giving me a glare.

"Instead of being an incompetent bitch and making everyones life as miserable as yours, I suggest you talk to your parents so they give you more attention at ho-"

I was cut of by a hard punch to the face... which I should have seen coming. Maybe my advice wasn't formulated in the best way... And was probably a little harsh... But look. I'm tired. I'm pissed and just... I was fed up with his bullshit.

I fell to the floor and Flash started to kick and punch me. People started to crowd around us chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!", which, of course, only urged Flash on more. I could hear MJ and Ned try to get Flash to stop but the pain only stopped when we all heared a loud sound of one elder man clearing his throat.

"Mr. Thompson. Mr. Parker. My office. Now." Principal Morita said calmly, fury clearly present.


No one showed up. They called Flash's parents but no one showed up. May didn't pick. She was either still asleep or already at work.

Mr. Morita was screaming at us both, though, mostly at Flash and thankfully he ended up with a 3 day long suspension since he started the fight and I got a whole week of detention for my... *Ahem* Snarky comment.

"You may go back to class Peter." Mr. Morita says with a sigh. "And Mr. Thompson. We'll call someone to get you."

Flash only muttered an answer and I left Mr. Morita's office, holding an ice pack to my face. God... my bruises from yesterday were just starting to disappear.

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