"It's this muggle game Hermione taught us. You are given three names, and you are forced to choose which one you would fuck, which one you would marry, and which one you would kill." Daphne explains.

"Speaking of, it's your turn, Harry."

"Okay, how about... ha! Querrill, Flitwick, or Dumbledore."

Everyone pulls a face at that, but Nev speaks up first.

"Fuck Querrill, as long as he isn't possessed, marry Flitwick and kill Dumbledore. Kill Dumbledore every time."

Everyone nods in agreement, aside from the new arrivals who are looking at us with horrified expressions.

"What is the point of this game?" Theo asks.

"What's the point of any game?" is my cryptic answer.

"Right... can't argue with that logic I suppose. If we're including professors, how about Lockhart, Binns, and Sev?" Draco asks, laying on his stomach with his chin resting on his hands and his legs swinging in the air.

"Eww! Really Draco?!" I ask.

"Fuck Lockhart, marry Snape and kill Binns. Wait, is it even possible to kill a ghost?" Pansy asks.

"I think I might be sick," I tell them.

"Oh come on Har, it's just a game, don't be so-- dramatic." She finishes lamely when I conjure a bucket and begin to empty the contents of my stomach.

When I've finished and am panting to catch my breath, Dean vanishes it and does a few spells to clean me up before speaking.

"I told you this morning you should go to the infirmary. You should at least be resting if you're sick."

"I'm fine, it's warm out and it's not like I'm running around."

"Maybe so but you should be in bed. Come on, I will walk you there and you can get some sleep. We'll even bring up some toast and a stomach reliever after lunch if you'd like."

He doesn't take no for an answer, and soon I have the three Gryffindor boys escorting me to my father's quarters so I won't be disturbed.


For the first time all year, I let Draco take the lead in potions. He seems surprised, but I wave him off and say he won't learn if I don't give him the chance. In all reality, as soon as I walked into the classroom, the fumes from last class had me dizzy and nauseous all over again, and I worry that the small amount of food I managed to get in my stomach during lunch would come back up again.

As we work, I am thankful that he seems to have picked up a few things over the year, as my heads getting foggier by the minute. He just added powdered sheep's horn when everything went black.

---Draco's POV---

As I add the next ingredient to the potion Hadrian and I are working on, I shoot another worried glance in his direction. He wasn't well a few days ago, and Seamus and Dean told me when I saw them earlier that he has been sick every morning since only seeming to be able to get anything down around five at night.

The smoke of our potion goes from a dark blue to a rather stunning shade of fuchsia, when Hadrian's already pale face turns ashen, and he passes out. Luckily, since I was watching him, I manage to catch him before he hits the ground.

"Mr. Malfoy, what is going on?" Slughorn questions.

"I don't know sir, he just passed out. He hasn't been feeling well the past few days. May I be excused to take him to get help?"

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