Chapter 2

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(B/n) is brothers name

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(B/n) is brothers name

(S/n) is sisters name

Chapter 2
"YOOOOOO (Y/N) COME DOWN STAIRS" I Heard my brother (b/n) shout from downstairs. "Ughhhhhhhhhh okay boomer" I screamed to my brother coming down the stairs on my pjs. "What the frick do you want? It's to early for this stuff" I said while reaching the end of the stairs and sitting on the coach. I see my sister (s/n) coming over to sit next to me. "Mom and dad went to work on their business trip to Asia so as your older brother Imma take of you" (b/n) said with a grin. "Ew" (s/n) said while technically snuggling into my side.

"What do you mean ew (s/n)!?" (B/n) exclaimed. "Nothing you rat, just continue with what you were sayin" she said while still holding onto me. "Well since it's a Friday let's just stay home I'll call you in sick my two adorable little sisters!" (B/n) said with a grin on his face. "Hell yeah" I say with a smile. "Aight" my sister said to him. Well you may ask why is he letting us stay home? Well you see my friend he adores his younger sister's and loves to hang out with them and you also may ask how old is our brother well he's 19.

"Welp I'm going back to sleep then lmao" I say to my brother as I get off the couch. "We can hang out later, come one (s/n) I'm tired and I wanna cuddle" I say to my brother and then my sister. (S/n) gets up and follows behind me as we walk to my room. I put my Tv on and out anime on as I slowly began to fall back into sleep with (s/n) in my arms. My mind drifts back to that girl that I payed for. 'I have a feeling I'm gonna meet her soon' I think to myself as I go to sleep.

Time skip to entrance exams

"Yo Midoriya what's up!" I said with a grin while I walked up from behind him at the entrance exams for U.A. "g-good your here we made I-it just in time" he said while sweating. "Yeah" I said back with a smile. We then continued to walk in comfortable silence. "Stupid Deku!" I heard Bakugo scream to Midoriya. I quickly turned around and saw Bakugo walking behind us. "Get out the way now before I set you on fire" Bakugo said while walking past us. "Oh hey! Good morning let's do our best out there!"Midoriya exclaimed while I just look at Bakugo. "Okay boomer" I whisper under my breath so he couldn't hear me.

I look at Midoriya "hey you good?" I say to him a as he looked like he's in his own world talking to himself. "Y-yeah!" He said. "Hey (y/n) why aren't you questioning why I'm here? You know I don't have a quirk and you aren't really saying anything a-about I-it!?" He said questioning me. "Well I always known you what to be a hero and I'm certain that you'll be the best. Midoriya as yours best friend it's my job to believe in you, and I always will!" I said softly with a smile in my face. "Ah...thanks (y/n) you the best" he said well smiling. "Aha well-" I began but then tripped on a rock.

'Lmao I'm dead' I think to myself well falling until I began to float. "Heh are you okay?" I heard a voice of a girl say to me. I slowly began to look up and see the girl who I've payed for that day. "Oh heh, yeah I'm fine" I said with a smile as she set me down slowly. "Oh hey! Your the girl that paid for me because I didn't have much money on me right?!" She said with a big grin. "Haha yeah! I just had to you looked like you were sorta in a pickle I said while giving her a small head pat.

"Hehe" she giggled to herself with a small bush going to her cheeks. "Well anyways, isn't this like really way nerve racking" she said to both mean and Midoriya. "Yeah-well I- um" he said to the girl well he was blushing. "Yeah it really is for us but, we're gonna try our best!" I said with a big smile and put my fist in the air. The girl chuckles again "welp guess Ill see you inside! Bye bye" she said and began to walk inside.

"Holly molly, I just talked to a girl!" Midoriya said well smiling and blushing. "Aha Midoriya you do know I'm a girl too right? And you didn't even talk to her!" I said triggered. "Ahhhh! I k-k-know (y/n) b-but I meant l-like a girl w-who I don't talk to like e-everyday!" He said kinda sadly. "Ah no it's fine!" I said not wanting to make my our bean sad. "Well let's go inside now!" I said well pulling him with me inside of the school.

We then walked into the room that said orientation and went into our seat I sat in between bakugo and Midoriya. "Heyyyyy kacchan" I said with a small smirk waiting for him to get triggered. "Shut up bitch!" Bakugo screamed at me. "Nawww I'm fine" I said with a smile. "Damn chubby cheeks" he said back to me pissed. "Aha- you donkey" I said but got cut off by Midoriya putting his hand on my shoulder trying to stop me from making bakugo mad. "Fine" I said and just looked straight waiting for something to happen.

"WHATS UP U.A. CANDIDATES MAKE SOME NOISE FOR ME YOUR SCHOOL DJ, COME ON AND LET ME HERE YA!" this guy screamed out to us. "Thought crowd" I whispered to myself but heard Midoriya and bakugo give a slight chuckle. The "dj" began to explain everything and such while Midoriya began to mutter like there was no tomorrow, I didn't mind thought because I was used to it so I didn't really say anything. We then began to look at our cards and I just looked at Midoriya's and then Bakugo's. "Oooooo where in the same battle centers Midoriya!" I noted while smiling. "Damn it, I was hoping to crush you two" Bakugo quietly said. "Mmm, well that mean kacchan" I stated.

"I HAVE A QUESTION!" I heard this guy shout. He then began to blubber about something I don't really know thought because I was trying to get Midoriya to stop muttering a bunch. "-ADDITIONALLY YOU WITH THE UN-KEPT HAIR, YOU HAVE BEEN MUTTERING THIS WHOLE TIME. YOU'VE BEEN MUTTERING THE WHOLE TIME. STOP THAT, IF YOU CAN'T BOTHER TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY LEAVE, YOUR DISTRACTING THE REST OF US." The guy with the weird eyebrows said. "I DON'T SEE WHY YOU HAVE TO YELL AT HIM FOR MUTTERING YOUR FRICKEN RUDE RAT" I said triggered. Bakugo began to laugh while the guy looked kinda disgusted that I called him a rat. "ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT EXAMINE NUMBER 7111 THANKS FOR CALLING IN WOTH YOUR REQUEST" he said and continued To explain.

Time skip to outside the battle centers

I stood there next to Midoriya and saw that girl from earlier. I glanced at her for a moment and went to to talk to Midoriya. "Well...this is it" Midoriya said to himself well slightly shaking out of nervousness. "Yeah...but don't sweat it, I believe we can do this" I said and smirked while looking up at him putting ,y hand on his shoulder. "Thanks (y/n), I really appreciate it" he responded to me with a nervous smile. "Mmhmm!" I replayed. 'Welp let's give this our all!' I thought to myself well looking up to see all this people.

I wonder what going to happened in the future if I do become a hero and make it big. I wonder if I'll fall in love and have a good family. "Hah" I chuckled to myself. I can't be thinking about love.

Sorry if there are a bunch of spelling mistakes I'm started writing this in the morning well I was half asleep and I have to rush it now because I'm busy later today and I'm gonna have to start my homework.
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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