Gandalf pushed himself up. He threw himself forwards, poking the king in the face with his staff and slashing open his stomach with his sword. The king fell to his knees. "That'll do it", he rasped before Gandalf slit his throat. The force of the goblin kings body falling forward made the wooden bridge crack and tremble. The dwarves barely had time to move before the whole thing broke and the bridge, along with them, plummeted downwards.

Taking one look at the very angry goblin army surrounding him, Luin waved and flew down after the party.

When he arrived at the bottom it was to find a pile of broken wood and groaning dwarves. "Well that could have been worse", Bofur groaned. The corpse of the goblin king chose that memonet to land on top of them. All the dwarves began cursing loudly.

"You've got to be joking", Kili muttered as he pulled himself free from the wreckage.

"Um Gandalf", Luin called. Everyone looked up and he pointed to the boards of screaming goblins climbing down above them.

"There's only one thing that will save us now", Gandalf muttered. "Daylight. Run!"

Luin hastily pulled Balin and Fili to their feet as the party fled through the rocks. Luckily there was a exit not to far away where daylight spilled. Sheathing his swords, Luin sprinted after the party. One hand was still holding Fili by the arm and he pulled him along as they ran towards the light.

Once through the exit, the party did not stop until they were far enough from the caves that they could no longer hear the shrieks of the goblins. Luin let go of Fili's arm and collapsed onto the grass, breathing heavily.

"Luin that was amazing!" Nori yelled. "How can you fly on your sword like that? What's the workmanship of you swords?". He knelt at Luin's side to inspect the handles of his jade swords in wonder.

"It's not from this land", Luin muttered once he'd regained his breath. He waved a hand dismissively before pulling himself to his feet.

"Those are some remarkable weapons lad", Balin remarked. "To be able to move on their own. What's the secret?"

"A magic not from this land", Luin remarked again with a smile before wandering over to Gandalf. The grey wizard seemed to be counting under his breath. He paused then counted again.

"Where's the hobbit?" He asked loudly. "Where's Bilbo?" Luin frowned and glanced around, mentally counting up the group. Bilbo was not there.

"Curse the halfling", Dwalin swore and spat into the grass. "I last saw him with Dori".

"Don't blame this on me", Dori protested. "I wasn't near him". Luin sighed and placed a hand on his face. Why were hobbits so easy to lose?

"But where did you last see him?" Gandalf asked.

"I think I saw him slip away as we fell into the cave", Nori spoke up. Luin sighed. That was good. It meant that he wasn't accidentally killed or lost during the fight.

"What happened? Tell me!" Gandalf was growing increasingly more worried.

"I'll tell you what happened", Thorin's voice barked, hushing the panicking dwarves. "Out hobbit saw his chance and took it. He's been dreaming about his cosy bed since he first stepped out his door. Our hobbit is probably long gone by now".

Luin frowned at the harsh tone. Thorin was really taking the biscuit on being rude to the hobbit.  Anger cursed through him. This whole time Thorin had done nothing but belittle him and Bilbo. He'd had enough of his attitude. "Thorin", Luin spoke clearly and evenly. "Get your head out of your arse and maybe shut the fuck up for once. If you're going to be a king then you need to have more faith in people and stop whining like a petulant child all the time".

Thorin gaped like a fish as the words sunk in. Behind him Kili and Fili had their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing. Nori was grinning and the rest of the dwarves were caught between looking surprised or angry. Gandalf didn't even bother to hide his amusement.

"I'm not long gone", came a small voice. The party turned to find Bilbo standing hesitantly behind them. He was unharmed, if a little nervous. He smiled at them and Luin smiled gently back.

"Bilbo Baggins", Gandalf sighed in relief. "I've never been so glad to see you".

"Everyone had given you up", Kili said, clapping the hobbit on the shoulder.

"How did you get past the goblins?" Fili asked. Bilbo smiled slightly and shuffled nervously. Luin watched his hand stray to his pocket but dismissed it as a nervous gesture.

"What matters is that he's here now", Gandalf smiled.

"It matters", Thorin growled. "How did you avoid the goblins? Why did you come back?"

"I know you doubt me", Bilbo stated, looking Thorin in the eye. "And you're right. I miss bag end, my armchair, my books. I miss my home, it where I belong. That's why I came back. Cause you don't have one- a home. Your home was taken from you. But I'll try and help you get it back if I can". Luin smiled fondly at his words. It was a cute sentiment.

The moment was disturbed by a sudden terrifying howl. The padding of paws could be heard on the earth and Luin stepped back a few paces. The others could hear it too. Soon enough the sound grew close enough for the party to spot the shapes of wargs through the trees.

"Yay" Luin muttered, he was exhausted already. "Orcs".

"Out of the frying pan"- Thorin commented.

"And into the fire", Gandalf finished. "Run!"

AN; Check out the vid above, it's hilarious.

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