"I'm sure...but his nightmares also worries me for other reasons..." Gray replied. "How long has it been since he went out for a kill?"

That question made Rachel pause in her thoughts for a moment, she really hasn't paid attention to Zack's homicidal tendencies lately, if he had any during the past couple of years. Maybe he snuck out late at night as she slept to quench his bloodlust? She would have no doubt in her mind, but Zack's clothes were free from blood. However, she did see the man have occasional ticks and shakes when he saw the smiles on people's faces. Isaac can't hold back his desire to kill, it's always been his nature, even if he was in the loving care of Rachel.

"It feels like it's been so long, the furthest I can recall was the night of Zack's proposal, but who knows if he went out to kill already?"

"Hmm, I can probably talk to him about it. I know this is something Zack has done for years, this was something I even encouraged back in that building. It's a habit that won't fade away so easily," Gray said. "...what about you, Rachel? You do seem quite content with life, but I'm sure there are some stressors around."

The woman sighed a little, "Some thoughts that lead to nightmares. They're not in the same degree as Zack, but they do bear a heavy burden on me."

"Is that so? What plagues you?"

"They're often of my parents...berating and belittling me for choosing this life, giving my life to a serial killer, and being married to him. My parents had a miserable marriage, but the dreams make me feel guilt for being happy with mine..."

"Do you regret marrying Isaac?"

"Absolutely not!" Ray quickly replied. "I'm thrilled, actually. Isaac kept his oath - though, I was quite surprised with how he did it. However, I've always been filled with self-doubt...like...what if one day I'm not good enough for him?"

"Why would you think that?"

Ray's lips tightened a little, "Before we got together...we did get into a fight, a pretty nasty one. Something about feeling different towards each other was something Zack wasn't ready for, and I guess that really made him angry. He acted cold for a few days, and I just couldn't understand...I thought I did something wrong..."

"That boy..." Gray said with a disappointed sigh. "I'm not surprised he would react that way..."

"I understand now why he did though," Rachel said. "To feel something like this is terrifying at the start. Showing mutual affection is one thing, but love is this whole other world. Even I was scared about coming to terms with these feelings, but since it's Zack...it's to be expected that he took feeling such emotions the wrong way...but..."


"The things he said hurt a lot..." Ray continued. "Maybe...maybe that hurt was enough for the nightmares to manifest. I love Zack, and I'm happy to be his wife...but I have the biggest fear of this marriage turning out like my parents..."

"I think the best way to prevent that is to talk with Zack...communication is always key to many things," Gray spoke. "I know you feel self-doubt, especially the kind of past that you had, but if you relay your feelings to him, then perhaps he can find a way to quell your fears. After all, he chose to share his life with you, through all the ups and downs you both endured..."

This was true, Isaac originally planned to kill her, as promised, but he chose to do so by killing her old life and giving her his own in exchange. She also chose Zack, even from the beginning of the building, she chose to stick by his side, no matter what.

"I really needed to hear that. Thank you, Reverend...I'll talk with him tonight."

"I'm glad to be of some help. I will give him a talk as well; if you'd excuse me..."

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